Part 4

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When Molly finished her bottle, Irene held her to her shoulder and burped her. She kissed the top of mollys head and carried her over to lay in her rocker.

"Alright poppet, you can lay here for a bit before your nap. Mummy has to go talk to daddy." Irene cooed, buckling molly into her rocker. She popped her dummy back in her mouth and left the room.

Molly whimpered and began to struggle. Though the motion was soothing, she wanted to find a way out.

She laid back, frustrated. As she closed her eyes and sucked on her dummy, a rumble ran through her tummy, causing her pain.


Irene walked into Sherlock's nursery and watched as Moriarty laid him down in his bassinet, tucking him in for his nap.

"The tapes worked really well for him. I hope they'll work as well for Molly." She said.

"They will. She's just resistant. Soon, she'll be just like Sherlock." Moriarty said. He pulled Irene in close, kissing her.

She kissed him back, but only briefly, as she could hear Molly crying downstairs. She left Sherlock's nursery and walked back into the living room.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" She cooed, unbuckling Molly and scooping her up. She held Molly up to her shoulder, rubbing her back. When she patted Molly's bum, she realized what the problem was.

"Did my little one mess her nappy? It's alright angel, we'll get you changed." Irene cooed. She carried molly down to the basement nursery and laid her down on the changing table. She removed mollys onesie and the dirty nappy.

Molly struggled to get down, but Irene held her steadily in place.

"You're not going anywhere, baby. Just let mummy help you." Irene said softly. She wiped Molly all clean and sprinkled baby powder on her, taping her into a new nappy.

Molly huffed and finally laid still, glad she was out of that dirty nappy. Irene washed her hands and placed a clean onesie on molly, picking her up.

"Someone's ready for a nap." Irene cooed, kissing mollys forehead. She laid the girl down in her bassinet and turned on her baby monitor and mobile, then went to play one of the tapes. Hopefully Molly would listen, as she was becoming a handful.


Lestrade stared ad the crib, clutching mollys blanket in his hand. He was heartbroken that she'd been taken from him, but he would find her. If he had even half a brain, he could tell immediately who was responsible for this.

Lestrade clenched his fist, knuckles going white, but then relaxed his grip. He fell to his knees, holding the blanket over his eyes as he began to cry. He hadn't spent nearly enough time taking care of Molly as he could have.

Once he found Moriarty, the man was as good as dead. He would get Molly home safe, that was a promise.


Molly fussed in her bassinet, turning back and forth. She covered her ears, whimpering as she tried to block out the noise of the tape. She didn't want to hear it.

The door opened and Moriarty was beside her in an instant. He lifted her and held her close, rocking her.

"There there, poppet, daddy's got you." He soothed.

Molly began to pull away from him, hitting his chest. He just held her closer, pinning her arms down.

"Wan' daddy!" She cried, dummy falling out of her mouth.

"Daddy's right here, love." Moriarty soothed, but Molly whined again.

"No! Wan' daddy!"

It was at this moment that Moriarty realized that Molly meant Lestrade. He rocked her and rubbed her back, walking around the room with her.

"He's not your daddy anymore, poppet. He didn't deserve you, and he took you from me and mummy." Moriarty said.

Molly laid her head into his shoulder and continued to cry.

Moriarty prepared some medicine in a syringe, bringing it to Molly's neck. He injected her with it and kissed her head as she  whimpered.

"There we go, shhh, that'll help you calm down, baby girl. Daddy will come get you after your nap, then we'll get you a bottle and see your brother." Moriarty cooed. He laid Molly back down in her bassinet and left the room.

Molly stared at the ceiling until she could no longer keep her eyes open. Hopefully seeing Sherlock would put her in a better mood.

Moriarty's Babiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें