7. My Boss & His Morals

Start from the beginning

"You look lovely."

She looked shocked. Like a little disbelief and shock, "I uh... not sure how to respond to that."

"You could express gratitude," I told her. She was certainly captivating. And, despite only knowing her for a month, I admired her dedication. I knew her as an assistant type-a filth.

"Well, thank you."

I didn't know what to say to her. I was dumbfounded. I didn't generally know what to say to her but I thought of the one thing that popped inside my head.

I loosened her wrist and turned to face her directly, "I want you to write a survey of questions and send them out tomorrow," I said, releasing her wrist. "You're clever enough to think of a few questions."

"Yes, I can, but I have to get going. Blair is waiting for me, and I don't want your fiancée getting all worked up in my stomach. She would change the air we both breathe if she could. So it's best if we don't be lonely places."

Blair? Blair is fantastic. It was none of my business that I knew what Blair was capable of. And I knew Athena could make things difficult for people, which irritates me at times. She can be a pain at times, and it was getting to my head.

I remained silent as I read her facial expressions. She was waiting for me to respond, but I didn't. She walked away with her brow furrowed. Blair was therefore close to her. The only question was, HOW close was he to my assistant? 

Though I wasn't seeing her at work, that incident occurred last night

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Though I wasn't seeing her at work, that incident occurred last night. I considered calling her as I reached for the phone sitting on my desk. Not at all...I wasn't supposed to call her. The person who ought to call in was her. The decision of whether or not to call her eluded me. I put my hand on the phone. I sat up a little straighter when I heard a light knock on my door.

After clearing my throat, I said, "Come in."

Eleanor emerged as the door slowly opened. Since she almost fell over nothing, she felt a little embarrassed. "Good morning, Mr. Bezos," she said as she walked toward my desk and shut the door behind her. "I apologize again for the delay. You know I don't own a car, but there was this huge traffic jam." She went on to say, "I had a bad morning and I didn't even get my coffee."

I only knew that she piqued my interest more than what she had to say. I wasn't interested in her in the sense that I would date her because I already had a fiancée. My unsettling fiancé. "You may now end your rambling. It's becoming irritating," I said to her. 

 She abruptly stopped and said, "Sorry about that. Simply put, I hate being late, and this is the first time I've ever been late. "

"It's not the end of the world. Don't be late often. It ruins your reputation here. Note that?"

"Noted. I'll start working on the surveys right away," she turned her back to walk away.

"Eleanor..." I called her. Wait. I called her Eleanor. My head was way too up my ass. I never called anyone their first name at work except Blair.

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