"He wasn't happy about the majority decision. It'll be fine," he murmured. They made their way to the sitting room to see the group in a wide circle, talking amongst themselves about apparent changes that need to be made.

"There she is," Emerie beamed. Theia offered a smile, though her stomach twisted with nerves. She'd have to discuss it privately with all of them rather than putting on a show and running out. She'd never been great at conversation.

"Can I speak with you?"

Theia turned her head to see Cassian beside her, his head bowed and his hand hovering over her shoulder. Nyx's hand flexed on her waist, but when she looked up to him, he gave a nod. She turned back to Cassian as Nyx's hand slipped from her body.

"Of course," she responded. Cassian attempted a smile as they walked to the far corner of the room. Theia crossed her arms and shifted uncomfortably.

"Look, I wasn't aware of what they were doing in the throne room. I thought they were just speaking, and I saw your face and how angry you were. If I had known they put hands on you, I would've never told you to not fight back. I'm sorry."

Theia chewed on her bottom lip, eyes glancing everywhere but him. She didn't know why so much discomfort plagued her stomach, but meeting his eyes worsened it.

"Even then, if they hadn't been touching me, I should have the right to speak up when they continue to harass me," she finally responded. Cassian sighed, and Theia finally had the nerve to look at him. He looked pained, nearly as uncomfortable as she felt.

"That's true, but in a different setting. You had already been part of an altercation. If there was another involving you, I would've had to remove you from the throne room, just as anyone else. I shook my head because I didn't want you to have to leave and have the rest of the guests watching. If I would have known they put their hands on you, I would've done something about it. I'm sorry, again."

"I understand that you weren't aware," Theia began slowly, calculating her words, "And I appreciate your apology."

It was all she could say. She didn't accept his apology, because the situation was far past acceptance. Cassian was not at fault for what he couldn't see, but Theia still held resentment for the situation in its entirety.

"The decision was made that Az and I will recruit our older and more trusted soldiers to patrol the camp and village. Laws will be enforced, as well as morals. For a few weeks, I will be at the camp to overlook the lords and ensure they don't mistreat the females."

It was a little improvement, but improvement nonetheless. Theia gave a nod and a tight smile. "Thank you."

With that, the General patted her shoulder and turned back to the group. Nyx was standing with his uncle, Azriel's arm slung over his shoulders as they conversed. She watched him for a moment, heart beat steadying. He was more than a lover; Nyx was her stability, her grasp on this reality. Wherever he was, Theia was sure to be calmed and loved.

As she went to take a step forward, a hand curled around her arm. Theia gasped and turned, seeing the misty eyes of the female she had yet to meet. She cleared her throat and stepped back, pulling her arm away in the motion. The female cocked her head as her eyes roamed Theia in an observatory way. She was shorter than Theia, reaching to only her eyes, though her hard gaze made Theia feel much smaller.

"Theia, right? I'm Amren. I'm Rhysand's second-in-command."

Theia's eyes widened. How did this female have such rank yet Theia had never heard of her?

"Nice to meet you," she choked out. Amren's red lips curved up in a predatory smile as she scanned Theia again.

"You're young. Barely matured, yes? Impressive that you could sway a High Lord. Rhysand has always had such high hopes for this court, but he had never gone the extra step to ensure his plans are made. As I'm sure you know, he has always held a high view on females and their place."

Amren spoke in a low yet cool tone. She shifted her weight to one hip, wrist loose as she held her glass of wine. Theia's brows furrowed. Was she trying to sway her opinion on Rhysand?

"Now, knowing his views on females, you would assume he would have put in the work to protect them. I believe his intentions were positive, but ended once his mate became High Lady. I've seen a cruel world, and I believe the females here have experienced plenty of it. I extend my applause to you for the will you've shown and how hard you fought. I hope it never dies," Amren praised, dipping her chin.

Theia stared at her for a long moment, her throat working as she tried to think of a response. Before she could, Amren turned and made her way out of the room, surely to speak with Rhysand. Theia brushed her hands against her clothes and stepped forward. She stood beside Nyx, who was speaking with Nesta and Elain.

Theia turned to look up at Nyx, instead catching her eyes on the Shadowsinger. Azriel gave a quick nod, the only praise she would receive from him. She forced another tight smile before turning back forward. Emerie was behind Nesta, watching her in wait for Theia's attention. As soon as her eyes snagged, Emerie motioned for Theia to come to her. Theia obeyed, slipping around Nesta and walking up to the Illyrian female. It was almost a breath of fresh air to be beside someone so familiar, so much like herself.

"I've been dying to speak with you. I am so glad you spoke up. I left the village for that reason, and I was too terrified to say anything when Mor offered me a home here. I felt like a coward- I was a coward. I had never felt so strong as I did when I became Valkyrie, yet somehow, I still couldn't bring myself to stand against a High Lord," Emerie spoke, her hand on Theia's shoulder.

Theia smiled genuinely this time, her eyes stinging at the praise from someone who came from the same place she had. "It was easier to stand against Nyx. I was terrified the first night Nyx forced me to speak with Rhysand. I think it got easier the more time I spent with them, and the more I saw. It wasn't just the village anymore, it was everywhere. I couldn't stand the thought of living in a place so foul to their own females."

Emerie glanced between Theia's eyes before a heavy exhale rushed from her lips and she lunged forward. Theia squeaked in surprise as Emerie hugged her. It was rare to earn affection from anyone but Nyx. Theia's stiff muscles relaxed, and soon enough, Emerie stepped back. Her hands were still on Theia's shoulders, eyes glittering with tears.

"I pray that your efforts stay. I hope that Rhysand doesn't fail us, and that the village becomes a place I'd like to return to some day."

Theia felt the smile drop from her face. As much as she spoke about Windhaven, she had nearly forgotten the aspect of returning. Would she? Theia hadn't thought of the possibility, nor of Nyx returning to training. He had no reason to; he had completed the Blood Rite.

Emerie seemed to notice the shift in Theia's demeanor, because she squeezed her shoulders before turning away. Theia didn't move, her eyes unseeing as she stared at the wall. She would have to return. She would have to see the progress, she would have to walk back into her home. It was inevitable. Theia couldn't hide in Velaris forever.

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