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Nyx wasn't fond of the idea that Theia would join them in the Hewn City. He'd avoided court for the past year, but Rhysand was practically dragging him by the wings to return. When Rhysand finished shouting at him, Nyx found Theia in the bath. She'd gladly let him take his anger out on her, her hair in his fist and her hands against the mirror. He'd used sex as his expression of emotion for long enough that he needed that release to calm himself. When he'd get angry at the war camp, he'd find a female to bring home. When he'd get angry in Velaris, he went to the pleasure houses.

Afterwards, he helped her finish bathing and bundled her in a silk robe, carrying her to her bedroom. There, he held her to his chest as he ranted about his father. Theia listened, drew shapes on his arm with her nails, kissed his jaw when his rage grew too heavy. Theia had expected this; to care for him when his own emotions grew too strong. What she didn't expect was that he demanded to teach her to use a dagger as self defense.

Now Theia found herself in wool leggings and one of Nyx's shirts, teeth chattering in the center of the training ring. A winter storm blew in, stealing away hopes of an early spring. Nyx was shirtless, as usual, with fabric between his teeth as he wrapped the handle of a dagger. Theia couldn't help the warmth that filled her belly as she watched his muscles ripple, remembering how they looked in the mirror when he took her from behind.

Nyx shot her a look through his brows. "That can be your reward if you follow my instruction."

Theia glared, crossing her arms. "Get out of my head, brute."

"Stop thinking about fucking me, pretty," he countered with a grin and a wink, turning his attention back to the dagger. He tore the fabric with his teeth and tied the end, holding it up.

"This will help with your grip. One mistake with beginners is that they get nervous, start to sweat, and the blade slips from their hands." Nyx stood and stalked up to her, holding the hilt of the dagger toward her. Theia took it, realizing the fabric had been shaved leather. Her hand fell into a natural feeling position, thumb set above her fingers. Nyx clicked his tongue and adjusted her grip. Theia frowned at the uncomfortable position.

"That doesn't feel right," she murmured, starting to move her hand back. Nyx caught her fingers, giving her a pointed look.

"Well, it is right. If you used force with the grip you had, you'd strain your wrist. Now, when you strike, all motion should be in your elbow. Try it like this," Nyx explained. He took her forearm in his hand, his other on her hips as he shifted her stance. Theia groaned as he continued to perfect her body.

"I'm not a warrior, Nyx. The only fight I have is my attitude, not my body," she complained. Nyx pressed a kiss to her temple before lifting her arm across her body and slowly bringing it outward. She watched the movement, trying to envision what part of a person would be at the other end. A throat, perhaps.

"You haven't been trained. I just want you to understand how to protect yourself. I'll be up at the dais. You'll be in the crowd, alone. Nesta will be there, but she will be at her post. Just humor me and go through the steps," Nyx asked, his lips just above her ear. She shuddered, feeling her body lean towards him.

"Fine, but I won't like it," she grumbled. Nyx chuckled and kissed her temple again.

"Mm, but you'll like your reward."

Her knees went weak at that. Nyx took advantage of her distraction and showed her just how easily she could be overpowered. Back against the snow drifted ground and hand held above her head, dagger across the ring, Theia glared up at her lover. Nyx just grinned and dipped his head to peck her lips before standing and offering a hand.

The night fell before Nyx had decided she was finished with her training. After a few hours, Theia was able to keep the dagger in hand and counter a few hits. Other than that, she was snow covered and exhausted. Few successes but Nyx was satisfied. She was able to maneuver the simplest of attacks: From behind, around the throat, her arm being pulled. Theia was certain that if someone truly tried to attack her, she wouldn't be able to stop them. Nonetheless, Nyx was happy with her improvement and made sure to show her how to strap the dagger to her thigh.

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