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A loud knock on the door had Theia jolting awake. Her heart pounded as she tried to remember where she was, why everything was so soft. A mattress, a blanket, clean fabric. Her pulse slowed, a sigh pushing past her lips. Theia had nearly forgotten someone had been knocking on the door until it opened, Nyx slipping in.

His eyes moved over her boots and pile of clothes, up the bed, and to where she sat with a robe around her. "Looks like you took advantage of the wealth, huh?"

Her cheeks heated as she tugged the blanket up, hiding the robe from his view. Nyx clicked his tongue and kicked at her dirty clothes. "Anyway, I'm going down to breakfast to warn my father of your arrival. I'll come get you when we are ready. Don't forget to look pretty," he mused, shooting her a glance before slipping out the door. Theia sighed, dropping her arms down onto the soft blankets.

She didn't expect to actually face the High Lord. She thought perhaps Nyx would've done this to frighten her, and it worked, but now she had to face the High Lord. Her hands shook as she pulled the blanket from herself. She took a moment to savor the warm air, the clean skin, the soft clothes. In a moment, she would be herself again. Theia climbed from the bed and stood over her pile of clothes, staring down at them.

She wanted to feel like this forever. She didn't want to return to her crumbling home and dirt coated clothes, and it had only been mere hours of being washed. She had never slept as well as she had in those few hours, and she wanted nothing more than to climb back into the bed and forget about the life she had back in Windhaven. But, it was time to let her voice be heard.

Theia let the robe drop to the floor, then cringed and laid it over the bed. Something so nice didn't deserve to lay on the floor, no matter how well scrubbed it was. Something foreign twisted in her stomach as she pulled on the scratchy and torn fabric, letting the wool lay over her body. It was so sudden, but once again, Theia was empty. The joy from the night before was gone, and she was painfully herself.

Something in the air felt cold, like a spirit touching her skin. Theia lifted her eyes to the door as she laced her boots, frowning. Something in her body was telling her to run, to hide. There was a threat nearby that had her hair standing. Her pulse thrummed in her ears as she walked forward, pulling the door open a crack.

"- into our home? Are you truly this idiotic, Nyx? You cannot bring strangers from the village into Velaris!" A male's voice boomed through the corridors, the very threat in his tone making Theia wish to hide beneath the bed.

"She has things to say, father." She heard Myx respond in a similar tone, though not nearly as loud.

"You are a fool, Nyx. The next time you wish to bring someone to my attention, you bring them to the Hewn City where Court takes place, not to our home. Go get her and we will settle this, but you will not make this mistake again, son."

When the High Lord's voice ceased, though his power did not, Theia closed the door again and stumbled back. Though she may be more terrified than she ever had been, it was time to voice her concerns for her fellow females in the village, for those drowning in poverty just as she was. Theia watched the door handle, throat squeezing when it turned. Nyx's face appeared, looking every bit like a child who had just been scolded by their father. His eyes narrowed on her clothes and he pushed the door open further.


She obeyed, though her legs didn't want to walk. Nyx said nothing as he led Theia down the corridor and down the stairs. The blanket of power grew thicker in the air, choking her. The High Lord wanted to show just how furious he was that a stranger was in his home, and Theia wanted to flee. Before she made it to the bottom step, Theia's knees buckled. She gripped the handrail and leaned against it, staring wide-eyed at Nyx's back.

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