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Theia stood in the corridor, pacing back and forth as she awaited the end of their meeting. The voices started in a hushed tone, but some rose louder as argument overcame them. Anxiety brought a wave of nausea over her. Theia laid a hand over her stomach, the other going to her lips as she pressed her back against the wall. She had laid everything out for this court, given some of her secrets just to add evidence to Rhysand's wrongs.

Her stomach roiled and her head fell back against the wall. She waited for hours, or it seemed to be. Her hands were trembling, knees unsteady. By the time the door opened again, she was ready to drop to the floor. As soon as the handle moved, Theia pushed off from the wall. Nyx stepped out, his face the picture of cool calm. Theia gulped, eyes widening slightly.

"Come with me," he murmured, slipping a hand down her arm and leading her down the corridor.

"What did he say?" She asked, stumbling to keep up with his quick pace. They entered Rhysand's office and Nyx kicked the door shut behind them. Theia turned to him, lips parted and ready to ask again, but he took her face between his hands. Nyx interrupted any chance of a question with a desperate kiss, one that had Theia stumbling back until she hit the desk.

Theia had no choice but to lean back, one hand extended to hold herself steady as the other went around his neck. She grasped his hair, kissing him back with just as much ferocity. Nyx groaned against her tongue. Theia pulled back from the kiss, only for Nyx's mouth to move to her throat. Her chest heaved as she clung to him, mind muddied by the sudden desire.

"Nyx, what happened?" She managed to ask through breaths. She felt his lips curl against her pulse, tongue tracing her vein as he grinned.

"You're so beautiful, so smart. My mother and aunts all stood against him. My father had no choice but to promise some kind of change," Nyx spoke against her skin, a small chuckle following his words. Theia gasped, tugging on his hair to meet his eyes. Nyx pulled back, swollen lips lifted into a smile.

"You're serious?"

He nodded, another laugh leaving him before he kissed her again and again. Theia dropped her head back, a victorious laugh escaping her throat as Nyx kissed her collarbone. He continued to murmur against her skin, tongue tracing his words.

"So smart, so beautiful, so brave."

There wasn't an inch of her throat or face that his lips hadn't touched by the time Nyx pulled back. Theia grinned up at him, her eyes brimming with tears of the overwhelming sensation of success. He ran his thumb over her smiling lips and pressed a final kiss to her forehead.

"He expects to speak with you, and I believe a few of the others do, too. They'll be staying for supper, but I think they'd like a personal conversation."

Theia nodded, letting out a heavy sigh as she pushed off from the desk and followed Nyx to the door. He kept her hand enveloped in his, squeezing every few seconds. She wanted to melt into his touch, to run through the gardens screaming her love for him to the sky.

Voices murmured in the sitting room as they continued down the hall. Rhysand and Feyre walked out, making Theia's steps falter. The High Lady smiled at her as they passed, her hand gently stroking up and down the center of Rhysand's back. The High Lord caught her eye. Theia gasped when he placed a hand on her arm, stopping them from walking past. Nyx stood taller, his body moving to step between them but Rhys threw a hand to the center of his son's chest.

"Feel free to speak with them, but I'd like a word with you after dinner."

Theia glared up at him before tearing her arm from his grip. Rhysand's jaw clenched, sighing heavily through his nose before he turned off and marched to his office. Feyre offered an apologetic smile and hurried after him. Nyx tucked Theia into his side, pressing his lips to her hair.

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