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Theia reluctantly left her mother in the care of Cassian and Feyre as she slipped into her own room to let tears fall as she gathered clothes. None were clean, she would have to wash them when they got to wherever they were going. She only had two knapsacks, one held the firewood abandoned at the neighboring house. Theia shoved her clothes into the bag and left her room. She glanced over into the sitting room as she passed, stomach lurching when she saw the High Lady encouraging Maia to stand.

She hurried into the bathing room, gathering her collection of soaps. She then went to her mother's unused room and placed her clothing into the bag. Humiliation flooded her cheeks as she realized all of their belongings barely filled half of the bag. Theia didn't dare look at the High Lady or her General as she slipped past them into the kitchen and grabbed her stolen bread. Besides furniture and dishes, it was her final item.

Theia's heart dropped when she stepped back into the sitting room. There he was, the polite warrior that demanded to know about her life, standing beside the General. The High Lady was gone, as well as Maia.

"Where is my mother?" Theia demanded.

"She could not make the flight or the walk, the High Lady has winnowed her to the residence," Cassian responded, jaw tight. Theia's nostrils flared in frustration as she turned to Nyx.

"You. How dare you tell them about my life? Did you follow me home? How the fuck did you know where I live?" Her voice rose along with her anger, making the General step in front of Nyx. The male stepped aside and came closer to Theia, her pulse drumming.

"I just wanted to help you," he murmured, eyes trailing over her face.

"Did you learn nothing when I returned your money? I don't want you here! Why would you bring them here? How do they know you?"

Nyx remained silent, his body stiff. Theia's eyes narrowed, scanning his clothing. The High Lady had said they will be staying with her son, the General had asked what Nyx would think. Her eyes widened.

"No. Absolutely not, I will not stay with the High Lord and Lady's child. Bring my mother back, now!" She threw the bag down, stepping back from the two males. Nyx sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"It's beyond your choice now. Your mother is there, and you will join her," the General spoke up, taking a step forward. Theia bared her teeth, sparing a glance to search for anything to defend herself with. She was not strong, but she was smaller than both of them. She could run if necessary. They wouldn't stay in her home forever.

"If you wish to stay here, then so be it. Your mother will have a true bed, a tub, running water, and food. She will be cared for, and you can fend for yourself," Nyx snapped, obviously growing irritated with her. Theia crossed her arms, taking another step back.

"I can care for my mother on my own."

"Obviously not! I don't care what you think you can do, your mother is nothing but bones, sitting in piss and shit, and can hardly move! You've kept her breathing, that's it!" Nyx shouted, his hand waving toward the chair well used by Maia. Theia couldn't help the sound that left her throat, or the way she stumbled back like he had thrown a physical blow.

"Get out. Get the fuck out!" She screamed, pointing at the door. Cassian shifted on his feet, but Nyx turned and began marching to the door. The General glanced between her and Nyx, eventually choosing to follow the heir. Theia stomped behind them, kicking the door shut. She locked it behind them, as if it could keep two warriors out.

Her despair seemed to flood out of her in the sudden silence. A strangled shout left her lips as she threw a fist against the door. Theia had prided herself over taking care of her mother, of making them both survive. The damn Heir of the Night Court had taunted her. He had pointed out the flaws in her hard work and proved that she had done nothing for Maia. It was true, however, that Maia was only just breathing.

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