Chapter Thirteen: Goodbyes are Bittersweet

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—Elizabeth's POV—

I wake up from the sliver of sun peeking through the blinds. I turn my head over, shocked that Sam is still fast asleep next to me. His arm is wrapped around my waist as our legs are intertwined, "Hey," he mumbles in his groggy morning voice.

"Hey," I whisper back with a small smile as he opens his eyes, "I thought you'd be gone by now," I tell him.

"Couldn't leave without saying goodbye again," he tells me. I let out a deep sigh as he pulls me into his chest, "Are you wearing my shirt?" He asks making me laugh.

"It's something to remember you by," I tell him as he pulls me in connecting my lips to his. I pull away quickly and get up from the bed. He puts his arm behind his head as he watches my movements throughout the room. I grab my phone that's laying on the floor. He laughs when he remembers how it got there last night. I guess we weren't as graceful as I thought moving from the couch to my bedroom. I hit Deans contact and it rings for what feels like hours.

"What the fuck could you possibly want at......9 am?" He asks after looking at the clock.

"Just thought you'd want breakfast. Guess I was wrong....." I tell him trailing off at the end.

"I'll be there in ten," he says making me smile. Now I have a guaranteed hour with Sam before he leaves. I jump a little when I feel Sam's arms snake around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Your brother is on his way over," I tell him as he starts kissing the back of my neck.

"I'll go put a pot on," he says walking off into the living room. I can't help but stare at his back muscles as he stretches them out. I could get used to this and that's the problem I can't, "You better not try and convince Dean to let you come with," he scolds when I walk into the kitchen. I walk to the fridge pulling out eggs and jam.

"Did my convincing not work last night?" I tease as he turns away to continue measuring out the coffee scoops. I turn around grabbing a pan when there's a knock at the door. Sam looks at me confused and I just shrug my shoulders. He looks down at my pants-less figure and before I can ask him he's already walking to the door.

"Didn't you already solve the case?" Mason asks barging into my apartment. I hide behind the counter as he sees me standing holding a pan.

"I thought you left for winter break already?" I ask confused why he's still here.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Clearly, you are," he says avoiding looking at Sam's shirtless body again.

"It was nice of you to stop by but you should be at home enjoying the holiday," I tell him leaning over the counter.

"Are you sure you're okay with Gigantor over there?" He asks as Sam walks back into the kitchen grabbing the pan from my hands.

"I think she'll be okay," Sam answers for me as his hand grazes my bare thigh.

"I'll call you later tonight. Promise," I tell him as he starts walking back to the door. He gives us one last look before walking over making me groan.

"He's totally in love with you," Sam says with amusement in his voice.

"Stop. No, he's not he's just protective of his friends," I tell him.

"You should ask him out," he says making me scoff, "I don't mean it like that," he says grabbing my hand so I don't walk away.

"I should get changed before Dean gets here," I tell him giving his hand a small squeeze before he lets go. I grab a pair of jeans before deciding to keep Sam's shirt on. I run a quick brush through my hair only to tie it up in a quick ponytail. I hear the front door open and close and I quickly finish washing my face before walking out.

"Smells good in here," Dean says setting his jacket down on my couch, "We should bring her along for free food," Dean says making me smile.

"She's not even cooking it," Sam points out as I stroll into the room.

"I like Sam playing housewife," I state sitting down next to Dean.

"Where were you last night?" Dean asks before biting his lip and widening his eyes, "Never mind," he says seeing Sam's shoes kicked off by the couch, "I was right," is the last thing he says before I punch him in the arm.

"Do you want coffee?" I ask as he nods his head. I get up from the table and notice that Sam put on his sweater he was wearing over his t-shirt.

"Looks like you're the only one making me stay in fuck all Kansas," I tell him as he gives me a warning look.

"Once you're in this life...that's it there's no leaving it," he tells me, "don't you think I would have stayed if I could have?" He asks.

"But what if I don't want this life," I tell him pointing around to the apartment that looks like somebody just moved in. There are no decorations or pictures on the walls. This is temporary...everything is always temporary.

"Don't mean to interrupt the little lover spat you got going on but the toast is burning," he says making me turn my head to the toaster with smoke coming out of it. I curse under my breath before taking the pieces out. I throw them into the trash before grabbing new pieces of bread.

"Sam's right," he says as I press the button to start the toaster, "You don't want this life," he tells me.

"How am I supposed to go back to classes knowing there are vampires and demons out there?" I ask with an incredulous laugh.

"You just do," he says as I hand him his cup of coffee, "I'm not saying it's gonna be easy but you know it's for the better," he points out.

"My life is so boring," I groan running a hand over my hair, "You guys are like real-life superheroes. Dean is Batman," I tell them as Dean nods his head.

"I can't say I disagree with you," he says smirking as Sam brings the food over.

"Just don't do anything stupid when we go hunting on your own," Sam says eyeing me as I think about it.

"Why would you put that idea in her head?" Dean scolds as I roll my eyes.

"I'm not a complete idiot," I argue.

"God she's like a sister we never wanted," Dean says biting into his eggs. I look at him offended as Sam grimaces at the statement. Dean just smiles knowing he made us both squirm. I try to make breakfast last as long as possible but around 11 they tell me they have to hit the road. Dean says he will meet Sam downstairs. I give Dean a quick hug and I tell him not to be a stranger before turning to Sam.

"I guess this is it," I tell him as I stand in front of him. He wraps his arms around me with a simple kiss on the top of my head.

"We will see each other again," he says making me wish I could believe him, "Be careful out there. Remember to carry holy water with you, salt, and a shotgun," he says making me laugh.

"Yes sir," I tell him with a mock salute. He starts walking to the door and I'm trying to think of something to say that feels right, "Take care of yourself," I tell him as he opens the door. He turns around one more time and I race towards him. His arms pull me into his as I slam my lips against his. My legs hover in the air before he gently sets me down not breaking the kiss, "Couldn't let those other girls one-up me," I tell him as he lets out a sigh.

"What other girls?" He asks.

"The ones you're bound to save," I tell him backing up with my hand on the door.

"Always have to ruin a good moment," he says letting go of my waist, "Bye Lizzie".

"Bye Sammy"

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