"Why aren't you going in?" He asked.


"The water, why aren't you going in the water." Kai asked.

"Aquaphobia." Rob said staring straight into the distance.

"You're scared of water?"

Rob turned to look at Kai with a hint of amusement written on his face. "Thats one way to put it."

"You know there aren't monsters or anything like that at the bottom of the lake, right?" Kai said smiling.

"Okay marine biologist, when you get proof of that, then I'll believe you. Until then my ass is going to stay out of the water and dry.

Kai chuckled."You're kinda funny."

"So I've been told."

After that, there was more scilence but it was less awkward than the first time. This time it was Rob who broke the scilence.

"You know, I heard that there are alligators in that water. I hope Leo is the first one to go down." Rob said seriously.

Kai laughed. "Why Leo?"

Rob shrugged. "I don't know, he's just the easiest option. He's the type of person to laugh if he's getting mauled to death."

"He's such an interesting character." Kai laughed.

"That he is." Said Rob. "So what's up with you and Damien?"

"Me and Damien?"

"Yeah, what's up with you'll?"

"We're friends."

Rob raised a brow. "Friends? That's what he told you?"

"Yes, is there something else that I should know?" Kai questioned.

"What are you two talking about?" The voice of Damien emerged from behind Rob and Kai.

"Where the fuck did you come from man? You can't just be creeping up on people like that." Rob sent Damien a death glare.

"I just came from swimming." Damien said pushing his wet raven hair out of his face. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Just some stuff, but since you're here you can have him." Rob said jerking a thumb in Kai's direction. He then got up and walked away.

Damien looked from Rob's departing figure then to Kai who was sitting on the rock. "Were the two of you seriously having a conversation?"

"Yeah, is that surprising?" Kai asked quizzically.

"Yes." Damien said. "Rob is not all that talkative."

"Well he was the one who started the conversation."

"Wow, that's even more surprising." Damien told him.

There was a brief scilence before Damien broke it. "There is a really nice spot over there." He said pointing to the right. "Would you like to join me?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Kai said.

Damien grabbed Kai's hand and lead him to a secluded part of the lake. There, the water was shallow and calm, and a small sandy beach curves around it. It's a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, with no one else around to disturb the peace.

"Wow," Kai said. "I would have never known that this place existed." Kai said taking in the scenery.

"Careful," Damien told him. "The ground is a bit uneven over there, I don't want you falling over."

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