"Wouldn't you like to know," George wriggled his eyebrows. "But if you're gonna twist my arm then I'll tell you. Back in Mourmelon after the drop into Eindhoven when Bill decided to steal that motorcycle and get himself sent to hospital for a while, you remember I was entrusted to guard you during shower time?"

"You looked!" Evelyn gasped. "George, how could you do that?"

"It was one time," he rolled his eyes as though she was making a mountain out of a molehill. "What can I say? Curiosity just got the better of me."

"And?" Skinny asked.

"And what?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow.

"You know what," he winked. "But for the rest of you fellas, let me just say that Lieb has got his hands full wherever he puts them."

"Ooh and nipple area? Dark or peachy?" Perconte asked with a grin, knowing that he was embarrassing Ev and annoying Joe and really enjoying it.

"Yeah come on, Luz, you gotta tell us," Skinny demanded.

Covering her face Evelyn groaned, wondering how the afternoon had taken such an awkward turn.

"I'd think very carefully before you answer that, Luz," Joe warned him.

"You guys are so dull," George tutted. "Honestly fellas, it's a shame Lieb's made an honest woman of our Ev because after what I saw in Mourmelon, I would have happily had her."

"Nice to know you love me just for my personality George," Ev muttered sarcastically.

"Aw Evelina," he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against him. "Even if you had a body like my great aunt Maud's I probably woulda tried my luck anyway. Then again maybe not."

"Alright stop now," Evelyn elbowed him in the stomach making him groan. "You're really pissing me off."

"And me," Liebgott agreed.

"You know, you two have become so boring since you got hitched," Skinny commented. "You're like a walking advertisement for celibacy."

"Do you even know what celibacy means Wayne?" Evelyn asked him. "It means never having sex."

"Well I didn't fucking know that, did I?" he snorted. "I actually meant you're an advertisement for always just having casual sex."

"Well casual sex is all you'll ever get anyway because I can't imagine a woman who would wanna settle down with you forever."

"Ouch," Wayne hissed. "Ev, did I ever tell you how much I love that sharp tongue of yours?"

"Bite me," Evelyn scowled.

"Oh the things that does to me."

"Stop it, Skinny," Lieb scowled at him this time. "Hey, aint that Sink?"

Everyone craned their heads to look and sure enough Colonel Sink had just pulled up to speak to Major Winters.

"Hopefully he's gonna let Winters know when we can get moving from this goddamn road before the fucking French beat us to the Eagles Nest," Liebgott muttered.

"With any luck," Perconte agreed.

As there was a general muttering of annoyance and discontent about the possibility of the French reaching Berchtesgaden before they could, Sink's jeep reversed past them and Evelyn smiled when Sink caught her eye and nodded, his own eyes warm and smiling upon her.

"Hey did you see that Joe?" Perconte nudged him and smirked. "Sink was giving your wife the eye. I reckon you got yourself a bit of competition there."

"Sink wishes," George chuckled. "Although Evelyn, I once grew a moustache 'cause the girl I was seeing told me that it really provided a more intense experience when I was servicing her downstairs region so just think of what Sink could do with that moustache."

Evelyn's TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin