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17thJanuary, 1945

Evelyn yawned. Despite sleeping in the relative comfort of the church all night, it hadn't been anywhere near enough to begin combatting the tiredness she still felt after weeks of sleeping in foxholes in the freezing cold. Early that morning, when she had been fast asleep on a pew beside Talbert, Eugene had shaken her gently awake to inform her that they needed to grab any and all supplies they could because the 17thAirborne division had relieved them. Easy was moving out again. Eugene didn't know where they would be heading next let alone whether they would be able to get their hands on any more supplies, therefore it was imperative they took whatever they might need to see them through the coming days or possibly weeks. Half an hour later and they were almost done loading up the trucks.

She hadn't seen Liebgott since he had snuck out of the vestry last night, but every time he popped into her head she couldn't contain the smile that broke out across her face. Last night had been... well, she blushed just thinking about it. The strange thing was that she was embarrassed thinking about the things they'd done in the cold light of day, but last night she had felt no such shame. She had felt wanted, empowered, cared for.

The two of them hadn't really had the chance, and perhaps the inclination, to discuss what this meant for them in the future. It was a given that they both wanted to be together, but the problem still remained that they were in the middle of war torn Europe. Not to mention that they could still get kicked out of the Airborne if they were caught. Literally the only problem that had changed since the last time they had found themselves in this predicament was the fact that they didn't have Bill breathing down their necks. And obviously given the choice, she would rather have him here because it meant that he wouldn't be on his way back home to the States with a missing limb. But now that he wasn't here, she wanted to try and make the most of it. But how was that going to be possible? Maybe it would be better to just wait until they were home? Why was she even trying to make these decisions alone? Instead of just going over every and all scenario in her head, she would be better off talking to Liebgott and working this out together.

"Here's the last of what I could find," Spina loaded up another wooden crate onto the back of one of the trucks, interrupting her from her thoughts.

"That should do us for now. I'm gonna ride with first platoon. Ev, you go with second and Ralph, you take third." Eugene decided, glancing over the crates once more. He nodded, satisfied. They had a lot more than they had ever had for the duration of their time in Bastogne, but being as kind and considerate as he was, Eugene had been certain to make sure that there were still enough supplies for the medics from the 17th. "If you two need anything else, go and find it now because we'll be leaving shortly."

"I think we're all good," Spina said. "But there is just one little thing we need to discuss before we head our separate ways. Aint that right, Eugene?"

"Oh yeah," Eugene agreed. "Is there something you want to tell us Evelyn?"

"Uh no," she shook her head. The pair of them stood side by side grinning like Cheshire cats. What on earth was wrong with them?

"Oh come on, don't act coy with us," Spina smirked. "You're the talk of the company this morning."

"I am?" she frowned.

"Uh huh," Spina nodded. "And after what we've been hearing, it's no wonder you're looking so chipper today."

"What are you talking about?" she narrowed her eyes.

Inside though her stomach was churning as she had a pretty good idea as to what they were talking about. She wanted a giant hole in the ground to appear and swallow her up instantaneously. How could this be happening? Who had found out about her and Liebgott? Or was it Liebgott? No. Surely he wouldn't be so stupid. Did he want to get them both into trouble? After all the time and drama it took to get them both to this point, she didn't think he would ruin it now.

Evelyn's TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora