Suddenly, there was a boom from the sky and the sound appeared a light that transported the two angels into the desert. They flew over the sand for a few seconds before landing on the ground.

Fawn and Norae retracted their wings and walked over to Hannah and Garin. Once they were close enough, they stopped to speak to them; in an attempt to avoid a fight and have them give up willingly.

"Hannah, have you come to surrender just as I advised you to?" Fawn asked.

"No, we haven't," Hannah said and manifested her light sword.

Fawn shook her head in frustration. This wasn't what she wanted and she didn't like that Hannah was going to make her fight her again.

"Put your sword away, Hannah, and surrender peacefully. You don't stand a chance against us. You're still injured, you're still not completely restored in terms of your powers and the demon is more of a liability than an asset," Norae said to her.

Garin held out his hand and his axe manifested in it as well. They didn't have to say anything from this point on because their intentions were clear enough. They were going to fight.

Fawn looked at her sister Norae and signalled at her to begin.

Norae manifested her spear, released her wings and dashed at Garin in the blink of an eye without a moment's notice. She bodied him across the sand but he got a hold of himself pretty quickly.

He released his wings and took to the sky, trading blows with the angel. A death duel to determine who would live for yet another day.

While Garin and Norae battled up high, Fawn and Hannah prepared to battle down below.

"When did you become so stubborn, Hannah?" Fawn asked angrily and made her sword appear in her hands.

"The same day God took my child from me and I realized that he had truly forsaken me," Hannah replied and held her blade up.

They both ran at each other and while Hannah fought for her life, Fawn fought for her honour and redemption.

Hannah swiped at Fawn's head but she ducked underneath the blade and swiftly kicked Hannah in the ribs. She grunted in pain after feeling the kick because she was still sore. This didn't stop her from attacking and she went in for a few more swings that Fawn was equal to and it was a lot easier for her to fight against Hannah this time than it was the last.

"Stop this, Hannah. I don't want to end it like this. Just give up," Fawn said to her.

"If you're going to kill me, Fawn, then try to kill me but if you think I'm going to sit still and let you do it, then you're very mistaken," Hannah said before swinging again.

Fawn sidestepped her thrust and struck Hannah on the cheek with her free hand, a powerful hit that blasted her across the sand.

Hannah was hurt but she wasn't down for long. Just as soon as she got up, Fawn punched her back down. She stepped on Hannah's neck with one foot and pinned her down.

Garin was still battling Norae up in the sky and he glanced down at what was happening below. He saw Fawn standing over Hannah with her sword in hand, about to strike the final blow.

"Hannah, no," he screamed and his lack of focus enabled Norae to fly from behind him and stab him directly in his shoulder.

Garin grunted in pain and crashed into the sand as his wound made him unable to fly anymore. Norae hovered over him and was ready to finish him off as well.

"Goodbye, Sister," Fawn said to Hannah and was about to end it when Sader suddenly landed in between her and Hannah.

Sader punched Fawn directly in the face and blasted her away from Hannah. He wasn't about to let the angels win the bet and he arrived just in time. They had already beaten Hannah and Garin for them and now, they just had to finish it.

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