Little Extra Piece

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So I had started writing it, but than I went into shitsville with a higher grander God Dragon lol and his death meant someone needed to replace him and that was Shenron, so Shenron becomes the true Dragon God here for like the 2nd half of the story, but truth be told I didn't like this direction, I'm way too tired for this story and so this will be an extra piece cause I wrote so much and don't want to waste it.

But yeah it's going to insane territory and the whole name - Futile Existence, suddenly won't be so Futile if Shenron gains Omnipotence to this insane degree.

So let's not take the story there shall we?

The first half is actually the real story ongoing. Than I had to ruin it with my brain being unable to let go of the stronger God thing, argh annoying.


Admittedly the King awoke without much anger, he thought he would be angry but he really wasn't, the festivities had made it into his dreams and he enjoyed them with the town. Waking up positively refreshed if anything.

I need to get Zamasu in here I need to have a talk with him, nothing bad not really just want to speak with him is all.

Kraall could you get Zamasu in here please? sure sire.

Presenting the almighty God Zamasu!

Yes okay Kraall we get it, you may go now ... he said sounding on the verge of rolling his eyes at Kraall.

He's such a child I swear. I don't know I like him, he's dare I say fun?

Fun?!? Gods no, anything but that, anyways I wish to have a chat with you over some of the best tea in the entire galaxy as a whole, mine and the mortal realms. I will summon it for you, tell me what you think because the stuff you got at at the markets is fine but it's nothing like this stuff, trust me.

Zamasu was unprepared fused or not he went full on comatose.

Oh dear me, I seem to have broken him, hmm what could I use, ahhh yes these stones should bring him back.

Gaaahhh *gasp* that was madness dragon! I was stuck inside a whirling void of colours and shapes of all sizes, mystical beings floated around me, what in the heck was in that tea?

It's beautiful isn't it? that's the wider galaxy, stuff you never even dreamed of can be seen in there, it's a good place for creative thoughts, if your having trouble creating a planet, great inspiration. I used it for my 5 planets for my 5 Kirin's.

Did you use it for the mortal realms?

Gosh no, I didn't create the mortal realms ... they were already here when I was born.

So who did than?

I always figured they birthed themselves based on Gia and Ein and what they said happened around them after they birthed, well eons after, but you get the picture.

If there is a truly higher power than even me, I don't know of it and have never heard of it.

I've go to admit I'm doubtful that it exists as where would it be? unless it has it's own cosmos like me? but to have never experienced anything on that level or ever felt anything, is why I doubt it.

Yeah I suppose it's a bit of a hard pill to swallow, but I do wonder if such a being truly doesn't exist or if it does someplace. Definitely an interesting thought process. It sure is said the King.

Anyways I wanted to speak to you about the Tree of Life and the mortal realms and the fact that I cannot with good conscience bring back all the Zamasu's that were erased.

I figured you wouldn't, I mean they would eventually cause such a mess, I agree that they should just stay erased as much as that saddens me to think about.

Futile Existence - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now