City of the Gods

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I wrote this whilst standing and sitting briefly lol. To say my feet hurt would be an understatement but I NEEDED! to write this out today whilst it was still fresh in my mind. Including the tone of it, if I had waited no doubt it would be written differently.

Also reintroduced the tree of life, no idea if that's going to go anywhere, but I can't just forget it. Might be a side thing only. We'll see.


As they continued down the streets of the vast city Zamasu was completely entranced in everything he saw. Shenron envied him.

Kraall peeked over toward Shenron often and sighed whilst listening to his heart.

We are nearly there! once inside again behave yourselves, this isn't a mortal palace.

Kraall knew he had to spout this nonsense to anyone from the mortal realms, but he hated every second of it. Obviously they were going to behave themselves they were not mortals.

One more right turn and the palace was dead ahead.

Omg it's beautiful! even more so than the city itself!

Well of course it's his home after all.

A large purple stoned castle stood atop everything. It had prismatic colours flying in all directions and dragons dancing with the colours flying about. It had greenery interwoven in between it just as the city and a giant tree in the middle of it. Waterfalls could be seen falling from the higher tiers into seemingly nowhere. A giant halo was situated above the tallest floating tier and shone brightly against the sky.

We must fly to get there, let us go.

Inside the walls were mostly colourful with gold lacing. The floors white and mirror like showing off the beautiful colours of the walls.

Extra high ceilings and chandeliers strewn about as usual.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen said Zamasu, I would of never have even though of anything like this with my ... he shut his mouth, but Kraall knew what he wanted to say

Even in here there was various vegetation rooms and waterfalls and dragons of all kinds sitting, eating, drinking or just having fun, plenty of baby dragons could be seen being as kids are "nuisances"

He just allows them to live here? or are they simply visiting? currently these are all visitors with their kids, but there are a few who live here, but they are very noticeable, like Garm over there he pointed to the dragon wearing a prismatic robe.

The ones who wear robes or any clothing are ones that live here and must be dressed appropriately, those who are visiting may visit with clothing but it mustn't be extravagant so that you can tell living from visiting.

The food and drink is all wished into existence everyday, so it is freely given here, so many bring their kids.

There are some bore baths below us as you can see here, the floor was see through for a moment. You can sit in there as long as you wish and there are various temperatures.

You can swim in the waterfall areas too, but only with a higher up pass that costs some gold plates.

As you can see today there is no one with such a pass.

There are "mortal" game rooms for those interested in such things. Which actually are very very popular on the weekends.

Outside of the city there is nothing but space. In this space there are 5 planets which belong to the King and than a few smaller ones around that belong to the mortal races the King is teaching to be better ... something he learned from you Zamasu ...

Futile Existence - Shenron - Zamasu Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora