I know that you think that whatever you and Liebgott had it was something special. And that's not me patronising you, before you start. But the thing is Ev, you're young. You aint never had the life experience that I've had. You see the good in everyone. And trust me, in this world not everyone is good. I know guys like Liebgott. Fucking hell, I am a guy like Liebgott. Remember once you told me that the reason I hate the guy so much is because we're actually so alike. Well, as much as I hate to admit it, you might be correct in your assumption. Which is why I know that Joseph Liebgott aint the guy for you. He would have used you and then kicked you to the curb like a piece of trash. Trust me, because that's the exact kind of thing I used to do. Plus, those things Liebgott said to you weren't anything to do with me. Which is another thing you should think about. What kind of a man can say things like that to a girl he supposedly cares for? Why couldn't he have just told you that he didn't wanna fool around anymore? Think about it, Ev. He didn't have to hurt you as badly as he did, yet he chose to anyway.

You can't see me now, but if you could you would see that I am down on my knees, begging for your forgiveness. If I could, I would do anything to earn your forgiveness. I aint gonna lie and say that I wouldn't do it again, because I would do anything at all to protect you. But perhaps I might have gone about it a different way. I didn't mean for you to get hurt the way you did. It broke my own heart to see and hear you breaking yours. But I hope that you can see it's for the best now? We're in the middle of a war, and you don't need any distractions. There'll be plenty of time for courting and everything else once this is all over. And I promise that I won't interfere (well, unless the guy is a schmuck and then I'm allowed to completely break that promise).

I guess there's nothing else left to say now and I'm running outta paper. The final thing I will say is that you are everything to me, Evie. You were my first best friend and you'll always be my last. I am so proud of you and I promise that if I could have taken away the hurt you felt, I would have. Any time I do something stupid that pisses you off, it's only because I really care about you. Please know that.

I love you Evelyn. Always.


"You keep reading that, you're gonna wear a hole in the paper," Eugene cracked open an eye from where he had napped beside Evelyn for the last hour. Not even the medics had the energy they needed to do their jobs, and the once frequent checks were becoming further and further apart. The temptation to just lounge around and wait for the call for a medic was strong. Even Eugene seemed to be slowly giving up.

"I know," she answered, dropping it onto her lap. She pulled the rubber band out of her hair and let it tumble down her back. Using her fingers as a comb, she grimaced as they struggled to get through the knots. Her hair was caked with so much debris and dirt that it was honestly starting to look like rat's tails. Deciding there was nothing more to do than just re-tie it again, she pulled open the rubber band in her hand and it snapped. With an irritated growl, she began rooting around her satchel for another one.

"So what are you gonna do?"

"Well I don't seem to have another band, but if I braid my hair I can just tie this piece of string at the end," she answered.

"Not about your hair," Eugene rolled his eyes. "About the letter."

"I just don't know, Gene," she said honestly. And she really didn't. "What would you do?"

"It doesn't matter what I would do," Eugene answered. "This is your problem, not mine."

"Oh, some friend you are," she pouted at him. "And before you give me a lecture on how you're only trying to help me by letting me make my own decisions, save it. I don't need to hear it."

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