⚠️⚠️Chapter 31: Stars

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Marinette was too much in her thoughts to realize they had reached the destination.

"We're here" Adrien said as he parked. They were on an edge of a cliff with coastline barricades. The bright light from the motorcycle showed nothing but darkness beyond it.

"Where are we?" Marinette said. As a girl she was worried about being here. She trusted Adrien to do nothing wrong by her but she didn't trust this unknown area.

Adrien turned off the lights and Marrinette was in awe of what she saw in front of her. The cliff had a view of the entire city of Paris from afar. Though everything looked like a tiny speck of light, she could make out the The Eiffel Tower from up there.

"Adrien! This is beautiful!" exclaimed Marinette.

"This is the Agreste property, so no one would be here but us. The Ranger station who take care of this property are aware of us being here. So it's safe" Adrien assured Marinette. Apart from the precautions, if there was something that did attack them, he could easily transform to Chat Noir to save the day.

Marinette was Ladybug but she felt afraid too sometimes. Hearing Adrien's words relaxed her even more.

Adrien dropped his hands on Marinette's hips and leaned in to whisper in her ears.
"Will you turned around and look at me Marinette?" Adrien asked politely.

Marinette switched her postion on the motorcycle. She was now facing him with her legs dancing on each of his thighs and her hands on his shoulders.

Adrien placed his hands on her hips and said, "The view of Paris from here is great but this isn't what we're here for. There is a better view I'd like you too." Adrien said and he held Marinette's chin and tilted it towards the sky.

Marinette was in awe with the beauty that lied in front of her. The sky was filled with stars, almost as if she saw a hazy band of light in the night sky formed from stars. This band of stars could not be individually distinguished by her naked eye.

"Is this The Milky Way?" Marinette asked awestruck.

"Yeah. I texted the rangers as we left so they know I'd be coming here. They checked the area out to make sure it's safe and sound. You know, this wasn't the part of my plan today but you said you wanted to see the stars and I thought I'd showed them to you"

Marinette was too mesmerized by the view to even comprehend anything at all. Adrien, because of his Chat Noir eyesight, could see her eyes glowing. She was so captivated by the stars, Adrien thought she looked like a small child.

"You should lay down to see them better. Otherwise you'll wake up with a store neck if you keep staring any longer" Adrien said as he gently laid her down. He scooted down the seat making sure Marinette was comfortable. As Marinette laid on the fuel tank, Adrien held her hips to ensure he doesn't fall off. With her legs wide open, Marinette's dress rose up and her opening slid on Adrien's crotch.

Adrien noticed her soft opening on him but didn't wanna sound rude so he left it be. Marinette looked in the sky with awe.

"This..... is..... beautiful." Marinette said. Adrien quickly got up and bend over Marinette. Her legs were on his hips while his crotch dug deeper in her insides.

"It's not as beautiful as you though, Marinette" Adrien said as he cupped her face and landed a soft kiss on her cheeks. Marinette was shocked. She skipped her heartbeats and felt butterflies in her stomach. Adrien sat back in his seat as he saw Marinette blush.

Adrien smirked. He love seeing her flustered. Marinette looked away and then looked back at the sky to distract herself, but she couldn't stop thinking about what Adrien just did. The sudden Chat like silhouette in front of her face and a quick kiss on her cheeks was way too hot for her.

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