Chapter 30: A Drive

Start from the beginning

Adrien was left stunned. Marinette was the most considerate person and words couldn't describe her perfection. Adrien leaned towards Marinette. Marinette expected he would kiss her but instead Adrien went for a hug. A hug was all he ever needed from Marinette. However this hug was different instead of her shoulder, his face was buried in her chest.

Marinette smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, kissing the spot on his head  that made him purr. Adrien let out a light purr and smiled with a very content heart.

The film started and Marinette got excited.

"Oh its starting!!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Marinette, is it fine it I lay on your lap and watch?" Adrien asking for consent for the smallest touch of her body was unbelievably adorable.

Marinette nodded and tried to deflate the fluffy blanket so Adrien could watch the film properly. Throughout the film, Adrien and Marinette had their drinks, ate their snacks but for the most part Marinette played with Adrien's silky soft hair while Adrien let out casual purrs he only hoped Marinette didn't notice.

As the film ended, Marinette and Adrien decided to wait till all the people in the parking had left. His fans spotting him would only create trouble. While they waited, Marinette looked up at the sky.

"I wish we could see the stars from here. All the pollution probably prevents it." Marinette said.

"Let's go, Marinette. I need to take you somewhere" Adrien said

"Another location? Don't you thinks overkill! Besides I like it here, it's so cozy and comfy."

"Well, I agree but, you'd like that place better..." Adrien smiled.

"Oooo! Well what about these blankets and stuff!" Marinette asked

"I paid one of the guys at the ticket counter to take care of it. Ill just text him now to clean it up. Don't worry Marinette! Let's go" Adrien said as he picked up Marinette again in bridal style.

"Agreste! Am I not allowed to walk?!" Marinette protested

"A princess never walks!" Adrien answered

"Princess??!" Marinette exclaimed

Adrien for sure thought his Chat side was caught.

"I thought I was your queen" mocked Marinette. She realized she almost gave it  away.

"Well you told me not to put you on a pedestal so.." Adrien said

"Wow! Never thought demoting an imaginary position would hurt me so much"

"You will be my queen again when you marry me, Marinette" Adrien smirked. Marinette flushed red. For so long she did imagine getting married to Adrien but since he left those thoughts sort of felt like a hazy memory. Hearing Adrien this adamant to make things work again made Marinette's brain break.

"You look adorable when this cat gets your tongue" Adrien mocked as he placed her on his motorcycle seat.

"You wanna drive?" Adrien asked and he sat behind her pushing her hips onto the driver's seat with his body.

"Me?! You sure?!" Marinette exclaimed. His motorcycle looked too expensive for her to pay for the repairs if she crashed.

"You can drive, can't you? So what's the harm?" Adrien asked.

"Well, if I crash, I wouldn't be able to pay for the repairs!"

"As if I'd let you crash or even pay for this" Adrien said as he leaned over her just to insert his bike keys. Marinette felt Adrien's strong body pushed against her as he rested his head on her shoulder. Adrien smirked, ever since they were kids, he loved making excuses to touch her. Reminiscing those times, Adrien leaned more than he needed.

Marinette's head was filled with Adrien's touch and cologne. Her body involuntarily arched, pushing her ass against his crotch. Adrien smiled and rested his hand on her lower abdomen pulling her more towards him.

"I love it when you go crazy because of me." Adrien whispered seductively in her ear. He pulled Marinette's hair aside and licked her sweet spot. Marinette moaned throwing her head back on Adrien's shoulder.

Adrien drew back and smirked. "I'm sorry. I forgot you said no funny business" Adrien mocked.

Marinette turned and said, "Fuck you, Adrien"

"I intend you, Marinette" Adrien laughed. Marinette loved Adrien's new bold attitude but hated how he still left her tongue tied.

Marinette puffed up her cheeks angrily and started the motorcycle. Marinette drove it slowly while Adrien was careful making sure they don't fall. Adrien place his hands next to the handles of the bike to hold them immediately if she loses control. Adrein touching her like that was a great distraction but Marinette overcame it. Once Marinette got the hang of it, Adrien left the handle and slowly made sure she's comfortable driving. He rested his hands on her hips which surprised Marinette but her concentration to not crash kept the motorcycle stable. Adrien then directed her towards the location.

Half way through Marinette slowed down to park the motorcycle.

"What happened Marinette? Why are you slowing down?" Adrien asked politely.

"I guess I'm done driving, you can take over" Marinette said.

"You didn't need to stop for that....." Adrien said. He once again leaned on her, placing his hands over hers as she held the handles of the motorcycle, he quickly accelerated.

"....only if you're comfortable us staying like this" Adrien added. Marinette was red. She nodded as she realized he just wanted an excuse to touch her.

"You can remove your hands if you want. Be as comfortable as you like, Marinette" Adrien whispered in Marinette's ears.

Marinette slowly took out her hands. She was so flustered, her body was stiff because of his touch.

Adrien left one of the handles and softly pushed Marinette on his body. "Relax Marinette, I'm not gonna bite you" he said as she got more comfortable laying on top of him.

While they drove, Marinette looked at Adrien. His fair skin, his red cheeks and his emerald green eyes. Adrien caught her stare and he simply looked at her and smiled. Marinette skipped a heart beat. She was so attracted to this guy, Marinette never understood the spell he had casted on her.

She was in love.

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