Stick Around Then?

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Ever since yesterday's incident, you felt broken all over again. Music silently played through your ears on your earbuds, but you felt nothing. Lying down on your bed refusing to move. You even skipped work the past weeks because of your broken mood. Not to mention, you haven't seen the Street Punks in a while.

Through your music you hear a knock on your door. You take off one earbud and sit up from your bed.

"Come in." You spoke in a blunt tone.

Your aunt comes in the room with a small plate of your favorite snack and a smile on her face. You return a stoic look.

"Hey sweetie...I brought you your favorite snack." She said holding out the small plate.

You didn't respond but gently take the plate and eat (fav/snack) while your aunt sits next to you on the bed with a worried expression.

"Ruthless you've been locking yourself in your room for weeks, at least go outside."

You don't say anything and keep your eyes on your feet. You then feel your aunt's hand cup your cheek and gently turn your face to make you look at her.

"I miss your uncle also." 

And that was all it took her to say before you silently broke down into tears. She pulled you closer hugging you tightly. After a while of hugging, more like her holding you as you curled into a slight ball, you feel your eyes getting dry.

"How could he leave like that?" You sadly but angrily ask, your voice still raspy.

"Like his letter said, he never got over your father's death... just like me," She answered running her fingers in your hair. You stayed quiet.

"You know you look just like your dad" Your aunt stated placing her fingers under your chin making you look up again.

You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at that. You let out a breath of relief leaning into your aunt's chest. Both of you then get up from the bed, only she picks up the empty plate and you grab your weapons and strap on your boots. Your aunt raised an impressed brow as you began to open the window.

"Going out for some fresh air or trouble?" Your aunt asked you in a playfully tone. You look at her with an unamused face.

"Funny, I'm just gonna get some fresh air." You reply in an emotionless tone.

"Okay, keep your phone on you." She said opening your door to leave for downstairs.

"Yes mam." You reply before hopping out of the window and closing it behind you.

Once you did that, you jump off the patio and onto the rooftop. As soon as you got to the top, you could already feel that breeze of wind that you loved so much. You then look over to the other side, it has been a while since you've seen the Street Punks. You start heading towards their side, a little visit won't hurt.

When you get to the other side, you notice a lot more graffiti than usual. You raise a brow in curiosity and confusion there wasn't this much graffiti last time you were on the other side. Something had definitely happened here these past weeks.

You pull your phone out of your pocket. 12 missed calls... from Rebel? You widened your eyes. You play a voicemail.

"Hey Ruthless...HI BABYGIRL!! Swift interrupted in the background. "Go the hell away Swift!!... anyways... did ya wanna hang out? We can meet up if ya me back when ya get this."

The voicemail stops. You look at the date and time, June 30th 11:45 AM. You play another.

"Hi Ruthless, I ain't busy right now so I wanted ta...ya know check on how're ya doing. Call me back when ya get this."

TMNT Street Punks (Rebel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now