Friendly Bonding

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You continued to remain skeptical about the turtles that had took you in. Just because you had new friends doesn't mean you were gonna make the same mistake. Rebel and Swift were already getting on your nerves, but you didn't mind Ghost and M.C. Right now, you were on the rooftop of the crib watching the sunset over the ocean.

A little while later, a hand suddenly clasped your shoulder. You look up and see MC there holding your shoulder.

"Hey Ruthless," MC started, "mind if I join ya?"

"Have a seat." You answered, turning back to the shoreline.

MC takes a seat next to you and the two of you watch the sunset over the ocean together. You two were quiet for a moment until MC started talking again.

"Are you okay living with us?" He asked a strange sound of concern in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine with it." You answered.

"No, you're not. I know 'fine' so cut the crap." You let out a defeated sigh.

"I'm not good with trusting people. I have issues."

"Define issues."

You look at MC raising a skeptical brow. MC looked back at you curiously. Your body tensed a bit because you weren't feeling certain about trusting him. Yet you chose to speak anyway.

"Whenever I've let my guard down, I been backstabbed, abused, replaced and betrayed. So, to make sure it doesn't happen anymore I work alone. Not trusting or relying on anyone because people are nothing but a waste of time."

You feel yourself calm down more when you lean back onto your hands. A second later you again feel a weight land on your right shoulder. You look to see MC wrapping his single arm around your shoulder in a side hug.

Both of your eyes met, your look loosened up to see he had baby blue eyes. You dart your eyes back into your lap only for MC to pull you closer. You both let out a small chuckle letting the wind blow through your hair but instead you could still feel his gaze at you. He suddenly stands up and holds out a hand to you.

"Come on, lemme take ya somewhere." MC suggested. 

You look at him with a curious stare and take his hand standing up. MC gently guided you down the roof of the crib and further down to see a beach shore. You stare at the shore in awe before watching MC take off his shoes and waded into the water.  

"Are ya gonna join me or stand there?" He asked looking at you.

You nod and walk over to him before taking off your shoes and wading into the water with him.

"A little better right?" MC asked still looking at you.

"Yes, the water feels nice," Your lips formed a small weak smile but instantly stopped when you spoke again, "The beach was one of my father's favorite places in the world."

His look at you changed to curious and slightly shocked. 

"So, your dad...?" He asked again. He then looked at you like you had something to do with it.

"My dad was a criminal like I am, he just loved nature." You answered.

"Huh okay." MC replied.  

You both then stayed quiet looking out into the ocean without asking any further questions. After about 10 minutes later you both had to get out of the water because Rebel had come over and yelled that you both were going to catch a cold. His prediction was right when MC started sneezing. 

Once you both had gotten back into the kitchen, you had warmed up MC a glass of warm water and handed it to him. 

"Here you go, this should help your body heat up."

"Thanks," MC replied through sniffles while taking small sips of the warm water.

"What were ya two doing out there anyway?" Rebel asked brewing some tea of his own. 

You and MC looked at each other before looking back at Rebel.

"Friendly bonding." MC answered.

Without a word, you walk out of the kitchen to leave the two at it. And MC could've swore he saw your lips form a small smile. You walk upstairs to your bedroom and shut the door behind you getting ready to turn in for the night. You take off the clothes you were wearing and grab your sleepwear putting them on making sure to be careful with your little number of bandages. 

No later then 5 minutes later, you heard a knock on your door. Quietly grumbling you get out of your bed and open the door to see Swift looking straight into your eyes, you raise an unamused brow at him.

"Hey now what's with the face? Aren't ya happy to see me~?" Swift chuckles.

"Do you need something?" You ask straightforwardly. 

"Yeah, I do" Swift walked inside your room letting himself in while you closed the door behind you and walked back into your bed, "I can't sleep, and your room is better than mine."

Swift smirked lying down on his pillow next to you. You rolled your eyes tiredly and just lie down next to him. 

"Alright you can sleep with me just for tonight." You tell him.

"I won't try anything but..." You look curiously at Swift and wondered why he stopped.

When you guys faced each other, you found yourselves looking into his eyes, they were sapphire blue even darker than MC's eyes. You were too busy gazing into his eyes that you suddenly noticed a different look on his face. This got your attention.

"Can you hold me?" He asked in a bashful tone.

Swift looked up at you and saw your eyes had widened at his request. But it was his turn when you held out your arm to him you darted your eyes away in slight embarrassment.

"Just this once Fearless." You say in a mix of teasing and comforting. Swift smiled as he wrapped his arms around your frame while you just lay an arm on his shoulder.

"Giving each other nicknames now are we Ruthie~?" Swift smirked at you.

"Shut up and go to sleep." You playfully chuckled.

You realize the both of you were in the spooning position only he was the little spoon. You couldn't help but let your face cover in a mild red again as he cuddled you surprised at how fast he had fallen asleep.

'Stop blushing, it's just for one night.' You scold yourself.

Swift nuzzled your tummy in comfort and in return you hesitantly move your hand to his head.

'Fearless dummy.' You internally chuckled.

A yawn escapes your lips before you find yourself finally falling asleep.

TMNT Street Punks (Rebel x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora