Unexpected Sparks

272 8 2

5:45 AM

You wake up and notice that Swift was gone. You get up from the bed and walk out of your room with your hair a slight frizzy mess. You go downstairs to see MC on the couch you start to walk up to him but then a hand grabs the back of your shirt. You turn around to see Rebel with an impatient look on his face.

"Hey! You're supposed to be in the kitchen helping me with breakfast today! What are ya doing just walking around?!"

You roll your eyes at his assumption and take your shirt out of his hand.

"I was not walking around, I just got up." You answer.

"Whatever I don't have time for ya acting like a wuss. Go get changed... And I expect ya to be in the kitchen in a few minutes! Don't be late." Rebel said that last sentence demandingly.

You grit your teeth watching Rebel walk back to the kitchen. It's like he doesn't even listen to a damn word you say. You then feel two arms wrap around your lower waist and press against your back. You instantly knew who it was when you heard a deep purr against your ear.

"Good morning, Swift" You greeted in a blunt tone.

"Good morning, cutie~" He replied in a husky tone with a low sexual purr. You gently take your arms off of him and that's when he noticed you were quieter than usual.

"You okay toots?" He asked. You look up at him.

"Yes, I'm alright it's just Rebel. I need to go get dressed," You answer before walking away sliding your hand across his shoulder on the way to your room.

When you get to your room, you close the door behind you and get ready another day.

Here's your outfit for today, ignore the ouija things -w-'

Here's your outfit for today, ignore the ouija things -w-'

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You smirk to yourself before quickly brushing your hand through your (h/c) (h/l) hair and make your way downstairs. You arrived at the kitchen only to meet an angry Rebel.

"I asked ya minutes ago to be here in this gosh dang kitchen woman! What the hell were ya doing in your room that was taking ya forever to dress up?!" He yelled.

"Rebel, I was only in my room for 15 minutes! Also ever heard of using your inside voice?" You sassed back at him.

"Ya little shit. We ain't got much time left to cook now get over and help with breakfast." Rebel demanded.

You grit your teeth again. Rebel had to be the most impatient guy you've ever met. You wonder how his brothers tolerated him.


You put the last plate (f/bf) on the table, but you had to admit making breakfast with Rebel was kind of nice except that he had to boss you around to get certain ingredients for him.

TMNT Street Punks (Rebel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now