Ch. 20: Happy Epilogue

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The next day, Luz and Amity were given the week off to recover. They were in their apartment, beginning to wake up. Luz shoved Amity.

"Amity... it's time to wake up." Luz said.

"No." Amity groaned.

Luz sat up in bed and took the pillow from Amity.

"Urgh." Amity groaned out, looking to Luz.

"Just because we have time off, doesn't mean we can sleep in." Luz said to her.

"Do you know how hypocritical that is from you?" Amity asked her.

"Well, I learned a lot from the animals." Luz said, "Now come on... you're the only one of us that knows how cook."

Amity groaned as she got up and turned to Luz, showing her messy bed head.

"You're lucky you're cute and injured or else I would hit you for this." Amity said.

"I love you too." Luz said with a smile, giving Amity a kiss.

Amity got up and stretched.

"Any special orders?" Amity asked.

"Well, I would say your ass, but we can't do that." Luz said, "just make whatever you want."

Amity rolled her eyes with a smile as she headed to the kitchen, they were a very sexually active couple. Whenever one of them was hungry, they would always joke about eating from or sucking on a part of the others body. For Vegetarians, they eat a lot of "Meat". Luz walked into the kitchen.

"So, how's it feel knowing you'll have a witch for a mommy?" Amity asked.

"Please don't bring that up."

It was shocking to both of them that Eda had scored a date with Camila.

"She must've used some kind of love spell on mom to make her go on date." Luz said.

"OR your mom just like her." Amity said.

"Seriously?" Luz asked, "My Mom's Catholic, there's no way-"

"There are Bisexual Christians." Amity countered, "And I'm a gay Jewish Witch, do you see how literally nothing is the way it is supposed to be?"

Luz opened her mouth to reply before she shut it, unable to think of a rational response.

"I just don't like it, alright? Even if Eda helped find you, she still stalked you for that woman." Luz said.

"That was mostly for money, she told us that she was never morally with Odalia in taking me back after she was paid." Amity said as she began making breakfast.

Luz sat at the table, fiddling with her phone.

"So, I was curious." Amity said, "If... if we had a child, would they inherit our... abilities?"

"A..... a child?" Luz asked in shock, not expecting this subject to come up so soon. "Well...I suppose they would but I'm curious if my gift could be passed down. I'm not saying I WOULDN'T want my son or daughter to have it, but I don't know how I got it in the first place."

"I know, I'm just... asking." Amity said.

"Amity, do you want a kid one day?"

"Yeah, one day, I'm sure I could learn a spell for it or something." Amity said, "I was just... thinking."

Luz got up and wrapped her good arm around Amity, kissing her neck a couple times.

"One day, we'll start a family. If it makes you happy." Luz said, "Maybe my ability to talk to animals can be passed down, who knows."

"Yeah. Who knows." Amity said as she smiled to Luz, giving her a kiss.

The two looked out the window of their apartment, watching the birds fly. They knew, that despite their crazy abilities, they were finally able to go back to their normal lives. Happy to have each other's weirdness in their lives.

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