Ch. 10: Alligators Part 1

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The two parked at the zoo and went in, making sure to clock in.

"See you at lunch, Amity." Luz said.

"See you, Luz. And tell your mom I said hi." Amity said as she headed off to the giraffe habitat.

Luz's went to get Tina's feeding done; it was what she always does since she became a Zookeeper.

'I guess it's Tina's AND Tyler's feeding now.' Luz thought, including the tiger cub that was born just yesterday.

The zoo will typically allow the newborns to drink their mother's milk, but also want them to get used to meat. Besides, Luz always found it cute when the cubs play with the small balls of meat.

"Oh, Tina, it's breakfast time."

Luz was greeted by Tyler pulling on her the lace to her boots.

"Just as rambunctious as your mom was." Luz said, remembering how Tina would tumble all over the place.

She picked up the little cub and tickles his tummy a bit, getting little happy noises from the little cub.

"You're so full of energy." Luz said, "Let's get you back to Tina."

Luz walked over to the sleeping mother.

"Tina, time to wake up. I have food."

Tina moaned a bit as she looked up, seeing the human she trusts the most holding her cub in her arms.

"Good morning, Luz." Tina said as she slowly rose.

"Motherhood tiring you out?" Luz asked, chuckling a little.

"He's so full of energy." Tina said.

"He's a newborn." Luz said simply, "Kind of reminds me of you. Your mom and dad always had a hard time keeping you still."

Tina groaned at this, always remembering how her parents said she was a willy rascal of a tiger cub. Apparently, her son inherited her hyperactive nature.

"It's cute though." Luz said, "Now come on, let's get you fed."

Hearing the promise of food, Tina followed Luz to the feeding bowls they had. A bit demeaning for predators but she grew used to it, especially since Luz snuck them special treats hidden in some of the meals. Luz placed the balls of meat in the bowls, Tyler looked at it with a curious look, never seeing meat.

"It's food Tyler." Luz said, "You eat it."

"He's only a day old, he still needs my milk." Tina said, "He'll get used to it when he's ready."

Luz has to agree with that as Tyler began playing with a ball of meat instead of eating it, though it smelled good to him.

"It's days like this I wish I was allowed to take pictures." Luz said, "Alright, Tina, I'll see you later, I'm needed elsewhere."

Tina and Tyler bid Luz goodbye as she headed for the loading docks of the zoo for the new animal arrival. Luz always hated how new animals were shipped in uncomfortable crates and cages.

"Alright, what do we have?" Luz asked the carrier.

"Something special. American Alligators." The Carrier said, "They were found at an illegal kill shelter where they would use the skin to make purses and stuff like that."

"That's just tacky." Luz said in disgust.

"Yeah, but that's the way the world works. People just want weird, animal accessories." The carrier replied.

"Open the truck up, I need to see them before transporting them to the Vet's quarantine building." Luz said.

The carrier nodded to Luz as he and her headed to the back of the trunk, unlocking it and pushing it up to reveal the alligator crate. There were a few of different sizes. The biggest one was almost 17 feet long. Judging by the scars, she can tell that he is going to take some time to warm up to her.

"I see you spotted Tank." The carrier said, "Poor guy was beaten badly there. From what I heard he has a body count, or at least a body part count."

Luz didn't feel fear from this, she only felt sorrow and pity for the big alligator, beaten for not falling in line and fighting back in self-defense. Other might say different but Luz always thought that animals that fight back against people would always do it if they were pushed to. Luz got into the truck and looked at the Gators. She decided to focus on comforting the smaller ones first.

"Hey, there little guys." Luz said softly to them, smiling kindly at the babies.

They looked nervous.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you, I'm here to help you."

Luz noticed that they are way too small for the exhibit, so they'll probably get their own little one in the reptile house or put in a small pond area like when the Caimans were hatchlings.

"Let's get you out of that cramped cage." Luz said as she opened the cage and gently pulled two out to hold with care. "There you go, feels good to be free, huh? Don't worry, we'll take you somewhere to get you checked out and make sure your healthy, then we'll put you in a big area where you can swim and play all day long."

The younger alligators could feel the sincerity in Luz's voice, lowering their guard as they began to trust her. She kissed the two of them.

"You're so cute!"

This made the little gators giggle at her as they began to cuddle up to Luz in her arms.

"This human is nice." One of them said.

"I will never understand how you do that." The carrier said.

"I just have an understanding with animals." Luz said.

Two other zoo workers came with a large tank with shallow water inside, it was to keep the baby alligators wet before they got to the vet of the zoo.

"Aright Luz, let's get them moved to the vet." One said, "I'm sure they want to get out of the cage."

'You have no idea.' Luz thought as she began moving the young alligators into the tank, with more room than the cage.

"Have fun little guys." Luz said, "And remember, don't bite the vets, they're trying to help you."

"No promises." One commented before Luz pointed to him.

"I heard that, little gator." She said with a smirk.

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