Ch. 2: Go Time

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Luz brought her radio up to her mouth.

"Alright, Amity, I'm opening the gate to the exhibit. Get ready."

"Roger that, Luz." Amity said through her own radio.

Luz pulled the lever and then waited. After a minute the giraffes started to run out into the exhibit. One slowed down and nuzzled Luz's head.

"Thank you, Keeper Luz." She said.

"You're welcome." Luz said, "Now go enjoy the day."

The giraffe nodded to Luz as she went off with her friends and family, enjoying their time as their zoo keeper closed the gate.

"It's always a beautiful sight to start the day." Luz said with a smile.

"Alright Luz, get back in here and help me lay down more hay for them." Amity said over the radio.

"On it."

Luz went to the exit of the habitat before looking back at the giraffes eating, grazing, or playing.

'Such gentle creatures.' Luz thought before continuing to the exit.

Amity and Luz laid down fresh hay for the giraffes before Luz got another call.

"Luz, we have an emergency by the tiger exhibit."

Luz grabbed her radio.

"I'll be there soon."

Luz turned to Amity as she continued laying down fresh hay.

"Can you handle things from here?" Luz asked her.

"Does cheetah use its tail for balance and direction?" Amity asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, it does." Luz said with a nod.

Luz ran towards the tiger exhibit. When she got there, she started asking questions.

"Alright, what's the problem?"

"It's go time... the Zoo's about to get a new cub." A Zookeeper said, "We need you to go in and calm her."

Luz nodded, she has to do this with a lot of animals that are about to give birth. Her being there, able to talk to them, really helps. Of course, none of the keepers know this, they just know the animals listen to her. Luz went in and walked up to the tiger.

"Hi, Tina." Luz said, petting her head.

The tiger looked up to Luz and calmed down, smiling to her since Luz could see her smile. Luz was her favorite human to have around, as a caretaker and as a friend.

"Hello, Keeper Luz." Tina said as Luz kneeled next to her.

"You know how this works, right?" Luz asked, "The vet's come in and help deliver your cub. After that, we take the cub and make sure they're completely healthy and then you we bring them back and you take care of them."

Tina nuzzled Luz, non-verbally telling her that she understood.

"I trust you." Tina said.

Tina was only a cub herself when Luz first came to San Diego. She was the first Animal Luz started to talk to here. They've been lifelong friends ever since. Luz hugged Tina back before turning to the others, giving a nod to let them know they were safe to come and help deliver the cub. The vets came in, being led by Camila.

"Is she calm?" Camila asked as she knelled next to Luz.

"Calm as long as I'm by her side." Luz said as she scratched behind Tina's ear.

"Alright, let's get started." Camila said.

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