"However" Caius sighs "When I saw you at the Cullen's residents, mine and Celeste's bond had changed."

"Can that happen? Why would it change when you saw me?" Charlie questions. 

"Because a bond was formed between me and you." Caius confesses "A mate bond."

"Soulmates," Celeste whispers, she saw the looks her father and Caius were giving each other and was glad Charlie could finally have some happiness of his own.

"Me and you are mates?" Charlie says in almost relief that his sudden feelings for the man were valid.

Caius slowly nods his head "I know you must be overwhelmed with what you have just been told and I do hope you would like to get to know one another but I will understand if not."

In his years of living, he never expected his mate to have been Bella Swan's father, but that didn't matter to him. As long as he gets to spend the rest of his life with his mate, he would be perfectly content.

Celeste slowly walks over to her father and hugs him before mumbles "Take the chance, I know it's scary, but we are both free and have the chance at happiness, be happy dad you deserve it."

Charlie kisses his daughter's forehead and mumbles a small "I love you, Celeste."

"I love you too dad."

Charlie looks back up toward a nervous Caius and gives the vampire a small smile "Sure, I would like to get to know my mate better,"

Caius's eyes widen not expecting that answer from his mate, swallowing down his excitement he nods his head "Yeah?"


"Before you do that, do you mind dropping me off at Sam?" Celeste quietly asks.

Charlie glances at Caius "Would you wait here while I drop her out?" he didn't want him to leave right now, he had a million questions he wanted to ask him.

Caius gives him one of his rare smiles and nods his head "I'm not going anyway."

It didn't take long for Charlie to arrive at Sam's cabin, but Celeste didn't want to get out of the car. She was afraid of what would happen if she she. Charlie who saw her nervous expression quickly grabs her hands, hoping to provide any comfort he can.

"Celeste, I promise you, none of them will be mad and if they are then I will arrest them." Charlie says trying to act seriously.

Celeste shakes her head at her father's words "Oh yeah? And what would they be charged for?"

"For committing the worst crime ever, which is upsetting my daughter," Charlie states.

"I can do this." Celeste says preparing herself for the worst "Good luck with Caius."

Celeste waves goodbye to her father as he drives away and walks towards the small cabin and knocks on the door. When nobody answers she notices that the door was already open. Walking inside the house a frown appears on her face when she sees the room empty.

"Hello? Jake? Sam?"

The young Swan didn't really know what to do, she wasn't going to call her father and disturb him from his night with Caius. So, she thought she would wait and see if anyone would come by and if not, she would walk to Billy's and stay at his for the night.

After twenty minutes had gone by, Celeste thought it was best for her to leave and come back in the morning, a part of her was worried that they were avoiding her on purpose, but the other part assumed that they had accidentally forgotten they had invited her to come.

My Protectors : Celeste SwanWhere stories live. Discover now