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As the three kings talk with the Cullen's and Sam

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As the three kings talk with the Cullen's and Sam. Celeste and the rest of the shifters were in Carlisle's office. Nobody really knew what to say since the pack had just met her early that day. So they were still technically strangers to her. Jake had sat down on the desk chair and pulled his imprint onto his lap, hoping to provide some comfort. He could tell his pack mates were getting anxious and with their wolves howling at them all to go to their imprint probably wasn't helping them either.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Jake mumbles into Celeste's hair.

"Those eyes." the young Swan whispers into his chest "It reminded me of the man Renee was kissing." She wasn't afraid of the three men, but just shocked at seeing someone with those red eyes.

Seth eyes widen at his imprint confession "Renee was with a vampire." He says through the mind link.

"He could have killed her." Leah spits out thinking of her imprint being killed by a leach.

"I know you guys are angry" Jake sighs "But try and keep calm we don't want to scare her anymore."

"Jakes right guys" Embry states sadly  "She might think we are angry at her."

"If you don't want to talk to them, you don't have to." He says looking down at Celeste "We can go back home or to mine if you wanted."

Celeste shakes her head biting her bottom lip "No, I want to stay. I just didn't expect to see someone let alone three people with red eyes."

"Are you sure?" Quil questions her with a reassuring smile, making her nod her head with a small smile.

Celeste stands up from Jake's lap and grabs his hand to walk out when the office door opens revealing two unfamiliar men with the same red eyes and gowns. The young Swan gasps covering her mouth with her hands when she notices blood dripping from both of the men's chins.

"Oh my...."

"I don't think this is the right room." The older looking vampire states scratching the back of his head.

The younger one rolls his eyes "Clearly, there's no master here. just a bunch of dogs with their overwhelming scent." He says making the shifters tense and look towards their imprint.

Celeste tilts her head to the side in confusion "I don't mean to be rude but are you okay? there's no dogs here." she then turns to Jake "You would have told me if the Cullen's had dogs, right?"

"Of course, little moon." Jake nods his head in agreement with his imprint.

"Wait," the older guy says looking between Celeste and the mutts "she thought I was talking about a real dog?" he bursts out laughing "She has no clue does she?"

"What else would you be talking about?" Celeste questions furrowing her eyebrows.

The younger guy narrows his eyes at the shifters "you let her come here knowing she would be in a house full of vampires and werewolves?" he questions them in disbelief.

My Protectors : Celeste SwanWhere stories live. Discover now