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after they all disappeared into the woods a couple minutes later i hear a loud scream, so i'm guessing whoever they where running after is dead, and then the cannon confirmed my guessing.

i saw them all walking back while laughing with each other, but them i noticed that they had an extra person with them, a boy, a boy with dirty blond hair, the boy from 12.

they got closer and i saw his face, bread boy.

clove walked over to me and sat next to me, i look over at her confused and then look between her and peeta.

she looked like she was getting at what is was on about and started explaining to me, "cato and the others said that he is our best chance of finding the other 12", that's so confusing.

i let out an oh before turning back to look at everyone, i look around at them all seeing glimmer trying to flirt with cato and it was working, then marvel and levi where talking about random stuff while looking at all the big weapons, i look over to see sophia and max the other district 2 tributes looking for more weapons, then finally i see lover boy playing with his spear that i'm guessing someone gave him or he got from the cornucopia.

i can feel someone staring at me so i look to the side to see clove looking at my lip which was still bleeding.

i try to wipe away the blood failing by just wiping it all over my face.

clove started laughing at my face that had blood smeared all over it.

"what are you laughing at", i look at her confuse and she laughed even harder.

"your face, that's what i'm laughing at", "wait what, what's on my face".

clove is still having a laughing attack before she starts to calm down, "you just wiped blood all over your face, come here".

i put my face closer to hers and she starts willing it of my face with her sleeve.

while she was wiping my face i couldn't help but look into her eyes, she looked so focused, soo she started wiping my cut going across my lips.

as she wiped it i pulled my face away and held my lip as i hissed at the pain, that hurt like a bitch.

"sorry are you okay", she had a scared look on her face.

"yeah it just hurts".

she started cleaning it again but very gentle this time, soon it stopped bleeding.

"clover to rescue, who knew you loved my lips so much that you even cleaned them for me", i wink at her making her cheeks go bright red, i started laughing at the flustered girl next to me.

i look over and see lover boy looking at us, "what the fuck are you look at" my words seemed to make some eyes move towards us and by some i mean all, i roll my eyes and look away.

"come on guys it's going to start to get dark soon and we need to find 12" cato starts walking towards the wood with glimmer following him like a lost puppy, "are you guys coming or not, hurry up".

they all started following him and clove helped me up of the floor, "come on orange".

we started walking threw the forest before peeta saw something that apparently looked exactly like Katniss'.

"are you sure she went this way", cato asked stopping and looking at the 12 boy.

"yeah that was her snare back there", cato looked at us before we started following the boy again.

by the time he had said that it was  pitch black outside.

"wait, what i don't understand is that he's helping us find and hunt her but he admitted that he loved her on national tv in front of everyone, so you think he would really kill her", i stop in my tracks making everyone do the same.

they all looked back at me with confused faces, "i mean she dose have a point", i look to my left to be met with clove.

"well if he does betray us, i guess we will have to kill him won't we", he looks at the boy from 12 with a smirk before turning back to me "but good point belcourt", we all started walking again.

"i nearly had her you know" i look over to clove with a confused look, "the girl on fire if only it wasn't for that stupid backpack".

"maybe next time clover" i pay her back trying to cheer her up because she looked pretty annoyed.

clove had gotten use to my nickname for her now and she doesn't nearly kill me every time i call her it anymore.

soon we saw a girl around 13 sitting next to a fire, everyone had a smirk in their face as we stood in front of the girl cato passed his sword to glimmer letting her kill the girl.

it made me roll my eyes but as i did i heard the most horrific scream ever, which made me jump, and clove started laughing at me, i roll my eyes before we start walking again.

we kept searching all night until it was light again and i was so tried.

the blue skye had been in show for about 3 hours by now, we kept walking and soon we saw katniss sitting in the lake, cato and glimmer started shouting over who would get to kill her first.

katniss started to run so we ran after, we where close in her tail as she kept running, she ran around a few things to try and get rid of us which slowed us down a bit.

soon we saw her trying to climb a tree, so we ran toward it, "your not going to get far" glimmer shouted up at the girl.

cato pushed his sword into glimmer as he tried to climb the tree, he was doing good at first but then held on to a week branch and it snapped making him fall down to the ground, i can't lie it was running.

glimmer pushed catos sword back into him before getting her bow out, this was going to be fun, she got an arrow and tried to shoot katniss, it just missing her.

cato go angry and grabbed the bow and an arrow of glimmer before trying to shoot her again but missing horribly.

soon lover spoke, "why do we just wait her out" he looked around at us as we all looked at him confused, "i mean she will have to come down at some point, it's either that or starve to death, we can just kill her then".

cato took some time to think about it before he told someone to make a fire and we all sat down next to the tree.

i sat next to clove as sophia made the fire, "we should just get clem to clime the tree and kill her i mean she is the skinniest and lightest out of all of us it not like the tree will brake on her", glimmer spike to everyone.

i looked at her like she had 10 heads, "you do know i don't know how to climb a tree right", she looked at me with a weird face.

"so you could at least try" she spoke again making me roll my eyes.

"no, i will not try at all", i tell her before looking up at the girl from twelve.

soon it was starting to go dark again and we where all laying down some even asleep.

i was looking up at the skye before whispering, "i don't trust him, 12", clove looks over at me and i look back at her.

"same but what can we do about it, nothing cato won't let us, yet anyway".

"i'm fucking freezing". i try to make my slef warmer by using my body heat and it worked a little bit.

soon i felt a hand go around my waist and a person get closer to me, and i felt much warmer, i turn my head to be met with clove.

"if you mention anything about this i will slit your throat", i chuckle at her words about knowing she would never do a thing as such.

"yeah whatever you say clover", i kiss her cheek, even though it was dark i could still see the little pink blush in her cheeks maki g me chuckle again before we bother fell asleep in each others arms.

glimmers pov

it was laying close to cato and using his arm as pillow when i woke up, i was looking round forgetting where i was.

i look towards where clem is asleep and see her and clove cuddling, i know there is defo something going on between them two.

i mean i always knew she was a lesbian but i don't know how long they will last i mean they will have to kill one or the other sooner or later.

i layed my head back on catos arm and went back to sleep.

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