“Do you think life will ever get back to the way it was before we found out about this whole thing? Angels, demons, God and the devil? It all still sounds like a fairytale,” Josh said.

“Maybe it will or maybe it won’t. We can never really know for sure but what I do know is that whatever may happen now or in the future, I want to spend every minute of it with you. Nothing else matters to me than being with you,” she looked soulfully into his eyes.

“The same goes for me, Iz. I love you…so much and as long as we are together, I know we’ll be fine,” Josh leaned in and kissed her.

Both of them didn’t want to think about the negative things or bother about what they had no control over. All that mattered was now.

Just outside Josh’s house stood Jennifer. She was wearing a dark trench coat so she could blend with the night to avoid being spotted and she was wearing nothing underneath it. She was staring at his bedroom window, fixated on knowing what was happening inside between him and Isabelle. She got her answer when the lights in the room went off but she was not content because it could mean either of two things; they had turned in for the night and gone to bed OR they were about to make love.

Jennifer never liked the thought of Josh having sex with Isabelle or with any other woman but her and it made her blood boil whenever she thought about it. But, that wasn’t as important at the moment as what she had just witnessed and filmed on her phone.

She knew for sure now how Isabelle was able to scare her the way she had done a few nights ago. She had seen it with her own eyes and now, she had proof but before doing anything with it, she needed to wrap her head around it and think with a clear head because what she had was gold and what she did with it could determine the trajectory of her entire life and her future with Josh.


Jennifer stood in a corner just a stone-throw from Josh’s house and she was waiting for him to return from the fundraiser he had gone to. She was ready to take action tonight and was determined to get him no matter what it took.

She had a bottle of knockout spray in her hand. Her plan was to sneak into Josh’s house when he arrived and try to seduce him but just in case he rejected her and chased her away, she was going to use the spray on him. When he would get knocked out, she would take advantage of him by getting him and herself naked in his bed and taking pictures of them in that position.

She had not decided if she was going to threaten him with the pictures or use them to try to convince him that something sexual happened between the two of them and maybe feign pregnancy. She hadn’t thought that far ahead but it didn’t stop her from being here and waiting for him.

Josh’s car finally pulled up into his driveway and Jennifer got excited and prepared herself but her excitement quickly became anger when she saw that Josh had brought Isabelle back home with him.

“Why is she here?” Jennifer muttered in anger from behind the corner where she was hiding.

The next thing that happened was a complete shock to her. Something vague appeared out of nowhere and snatched Isabelle off the ground before it disappeared just as quickly and when Jennifer saw it, she covered her mouth with her hands to keep from screaming out of shock.

She was so confused and became even more so when she saw Josh slapping his head and calling out to someone named ‘Garin’. It got even worse when he fell to the ground and was screaming in pain. Jennifer wanted to go to him so she could help him but when she saw the light coming off of him, she became frozen where she was.

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