But before he could launch his attack, Edgeshot jumped in front of him and, "Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!" Using his quirk Foldabody, he flattened and twisted himself into a pointed string, then pierced the scarred villain along with twelve more villains standing behind him. He cut off their blood flow, causing them to lose consciousness. "If you move too much, it may lead to death, but if you stay still, it'll heal itself quickly," Edgeshot remarked gracefully as he landed on the ground, resembling a ninja.

Jiro leaned back in her seat and sighed with relief as she witnessed Edgeshot interrupt the enemy's attack. She then glanced at Kaminari, who appeared equally relieved to have avoided being fried by the enemy's assault.

Meanwhile, while everyone was relieved to see Kaminari unharmed, they were even more thrilled by Edgeshot's impressive display of skill.

"That was incredible," Momo said. "The precision and accuracy required to execute such a maneuver without inflicting serious harm on the enemy, yet rendering them unconscious, is truly a work of art."

"And that ninja-like landing at the end was incredibly cool as well," Tooru added.

Then we see Midnight leap into the fray with a smirk, holding a fan in her hand. She gracefully evaded an incoming attack from a villain before unleashing her quirk, Somnambulist. From her skin, she emitted a sleep-inducing aroma, causing the villains to gradually succumb to drowsiness and fall into sleep. "Stay still and have a nice nap," she remarked, as she continued to release the sleep-inducing aroma.

"Midnight-sensei's quirk is truly terrifying," Sero said, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he recalled his first term finals when he and Mineta went up against her.

"Well, it's not just my quirk, but my charm that's even more effective," she replied, winking at him and causing him to blush.

Alongside her, Kamui Woods swiftly followed up, leaping towards the villains. "Preemptive Binding: Lacquered Chain Prison" activating his quirk, Arbor, his branch-like arms extended and coiled around a large number of villains, creating a wooden prison that served as absolute preemptive confinement. The villains found themselves trapped within the sturdy embrace of Kamui Woods' arboreal restraints, effectively immobilizing them.

"Quite impressive," Ibara said, observing Kumui Wood's mass capture using his branch-like hands. "I believe I can replicate this feat once I achieve greater precision and range with my vines," she said, gently stroking her hand through the vines.

Meanwhile, Yu swelled with pride, witnessing her teammates' remarkable and praiseworthy performance. However, more than anything, she was eagerly looking forward to her own appearance on the screen, yearning to showcase something incredibly cool, just like her teammates.

"Hey! We need to capture as many of those dogs as we can! Wh--" The villain with blades on his back began shouting, but abruptly, he and several other villains started sinking into the ground, courtesy of Juzo Honenuki, also known as Mudman, and his quirk, Softening.

"That's it, Mudman!" exclaimed Gang Orca as he and his sidekicks swiftly ran past Mudman, who continued to utilize his quirk on the ground.

"Seriously? Something like this--" one of the villains attempted to extricate themselves from the softened ground, but suddenly, mushrooms sprouted on them and several nearby villains. This was the doing of Shemage, also known as Kinoko Komori, and her quirk, Mushroom, which hindered their breathing due to the spores emitted by the mushrooms.

"Leave the ranged attacks to Shemage and Mudman, 'shroom!" Kinoko cheered while standing next to Mudman.

"That was great, you two! Leave the rest to us!" Gang Orca exclaimed, briefly glancing at two young heroes before leading a charge towards the Villa alongside several other heroes.

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