Zamasu went wide eyed, the King is trying to see if mortals can change? yep! oh boy good luck with that, that's what I can agree on too Zamasu.

The 5 planets house 1 of each of us and Godly beings that keep the mortal realms in check.

I guess now they are out of a job as the mortal realms no longer exist. Thank you for that Shenron ...

Hey I didn't do it! it was Gia!

Well you certainly didn't help ...

Shenron glared at Kraall and moved away

The King is currently still out, so enjoy the food and drinks and baths if you have time and I will summon you to the next floor when he is back and ready to see you. You will have 5 mins to finish what you are doing and than I will transport you.

Zamasu flew towards the food and drinks table, looking over everything and than he took a plate and started to fill it up.

Onlookers found his appetite quite impressive, he must have had like 20 plates full of all sorts of stuff and he tried to be mannered about it, but was finding it hard with the intense flavours.

Once he was done he tried the tea that was offered by a server and it was the most delicious and pure tea he had ever had, which was saying a lot.

The dragon also offered him a blue and purple shimmering mixture, which he took with glee and damn near chugged it down, 30 or so flavours swirled around his tongue, he nearly went comatose from it all.

Coming down from his high he asked how to get to the baths and than headed there down the nearby stairwell.

The place had a bit of a natural smell not repulsive but certainly a little off putting, but he figured why miss out on something that looked so perfect just because of smell?

He looked around and saw a change area, he could be naked if he wanted he noted, but the poster also said that the changing area contained pants and bra's. So he wore some pants.

He came out of the change room and looked on the walls to see the temperatures of each pool, it was pretty busy in some pools so he looked at other less busy ones.

He found a perfect one, listed as 30 degrees C and he got in, there was 2 dragons across from him a husband and wife couple from the looks of it and a female dragon to his right.

Once he got in, he physically felt himself relax, like all his worries just melted away. Was this bath perhaps magically enhanced?

Suddenly he heard a voice.

Your a Kai right?

Yes I am ...

Wow that's so cool, we live a pretty enclosed life here, we don't really get many otherworldly visitors, I know of Kai's and other species due to our TV channels, something that the King gave us when he saw it on Earth he called it.

We have over 2000 channels, it's very interesting, but also very tiring you know, we're not used to it, it's actually still kinda new, last Summer type of deal.

Ah I see said Zamasu, but at least you get to learn and see things not typical to you.

Yes that's what I love about it.

I will leave you to your relaxation? ah my names Zamasu, Zamasu I am Aureen nice to meet you too Aureen.

When she relaxed with a pleased hum, so did he, but without the hum.

Shenron visited the liveable quarters allowed in only because he was to see the King.

It's very beautiful and lively, maybe a temporary home for us Zamasu. But I cannot be happy within myself, I miss Ein and my Cosmos.

Futile Existence - Shenron - Zamasu Where stories live. Discover now