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                                                          Izzy is now 5 months pregnant

Dave, Izzy i have brought you some tea

Izzy, thank's dad, this little one is kicking my bladder

JJ, i remember that, i had to keep running to the bathroom every 5 minute's

Derek, you are getting bigger


Hotch, Morgan is going to die, hope it's painful

Emily, HAHA  Hotch is in his funny mood

Spencer, guy's Izzy is glaring at Derek

Dave, Morgan you have got an Italian pregnant woman angry, i will pray for your soul

Izzy, Farò in modo che tu non abbia mai figli, userò le mie forbici per tagliare la tua palla e poi spingerli su per il/i will make sure you never have kids, i will use my scissor's to cut your ball's off and then shove them up your ass

Dave, well i have warned him

Derek, what did she say?

Dave, you don't want to know it would give you nightmare's

Spencer, i just googled what she said and i am very scared

Izzy, i won't do that to you Spence your like my little brother

Emily, Derek just looked at Spencer's computer and is now hiding under his desk

Garcia, i love my chocolate thunder but he deserved that

Izzy, thank's for the teddy bear Penny it's so soft

Garcia, your welcome Dove, i thought it would make you feel better

Izzy, anyone seen my scissor's?

Hotch, i took them in case you do what you were planning

Derek, thank's Hotch

Emily, you can have mine Izzy

Derek, no Emily

                                                                     An Hour Later


Hotch, not me

Dave, not me

Spencer, not me

The Girl's, not us

Izzy, Derek?


Izzy, dad Derek ate my ice cream😭

JJ, Izzy is now crying morgan, you are an insensitive moron😠

Garcia, don't cry i have some in my cave

Izzy, thank's Penny

Hotch, Morgan my office now

Derek, but Hotch i didn't do anything

Hotch, now Morgan

Dave, i'm coming as well

Emily, Izzy is eating the ice cream Penny gave her, she look's so happy

Spencer, i just walked past Hotch's office and Rossi is yelling at Derek

Izzy, where are my pickle's and chip's?😒

JJ, did he eat them as well?

Spencer, i will go to the store and get you some more Izzy. i won't be long

Izzy, thank you 😘

Garcia, Spencer just ran out of here and is running down the stair's

Emily, did he eat them

JJ, Derek has just walked out of Hotch's office and look's scared

Izzy, serves him right, you don't eat a pregnant woman's food

Emily, especially a Rossi's food

Izzy Grins 

Spencer, here are your chip's and pickle's and i got you a few more thing's

Izzy, aww thank you Spence it's very sweet of you

Garcia, Spencer is so sweet

Derek, Izzy i am sorry i eat you ice cream and that i made comment's about your size i hope you forgive me

Izzy look's at him with a pickle in her mouth

Emily, i think she might if you get her more ice cream

Derek, i will go now and get it for her

Dave, i think we scared him

Hotch, good but i'm keeping everything sharp away from Izzy

Izzy, why i am nice and calm

Hotch, i know Morgan will say something stupid and you will attack him

JJ,Emily, that's true

Izzt just shrug's

Izzy, well if he doesn't eat my food again it will be fine

Emily, he is a dead man walking

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