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Izzy, wake up everyone, it's a special day

Derek, Izzy stfu we are trying to sleep

JJ,Emily, Happy Birthday to the best Rossi ever

Dave, Rude but Happy Birthday to my little Devil

Izzy, thank you, i'm 27 YYYYYEEEEESSSSS

Garcia, Happy Birthday Dove, i have everything ready for your party later

Izzy, Penny ilysm marry me

Hotch, What, Happy Birthday my sexy goddess. Now get back to bed

Izzy, i'm coming Aaron, i changed into something sexy

Dave, i don't want to know

Hotch, OML got to go guys

Hotch is Offline

Izzy is Offline

Derek, wonder what she was wearing

Emily, nothing much i think

Dave, guy's that's my daughter

Garcia, did everyone get Izzy a presant

Dave. Yes




Derek, No

Garcia, why not D

Derek, she forgot my birthday last year

Garcia, no she didn't she got you your favorite food and took you clubbing

Derek, oh i forgot

Emily, Derek is losing his mind, well what he had

JJ, pmsl Emily please stop

Garcia, we will meet at mine at 7pm bring drink and the presant's

Hotch is Online

Hotch, (Panting) we will be there

Derek, thought you were busy with Izzy

Hotch i was she is now asleep, with a big grin on her face

Dave, i don't want to hear this

Hotch, sorry Dave. anyway i have a surprise for Izzy at the party

Garica, tell us

Hotch, nope because Derek has a big mouth

Derek no i don't

Emily, you told everyone that i had a date after i told you not to tell anyone, you can't keep secert's

Derek, i can. i never told anyone Spence has a crush

Spencer. MORGAN

Derek, i got to go

Derek is Offline

Garcia, who is boy genius

Spencer, i'm not saying as i know they don't feel the same

Dave, is it JJ

Spencer, no it's not Rossi

Izzy is Online

Izzy, is it Emily

Emily, WHAT!!

Spencer, no it's not, they don't work for the BAU

Emily, must find out who it is

Spencer, guy's just leave it please

Garcia, of course we will

Derek, but i want to know

Hotch, Morgan leave it

Derek, yes daddy

Izzy, wtf

Hotch, don't call me daddy Morgan

Derek, why Izzy does



Emily, i knew Izzy was kinky but Hotch

Izzy, Emily why don't you tell us your crush

Derek, Prentiss like's someone

Emily,.....Izzy i will kill you

Izzy, Good Night

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