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Dave, Izzy where the hell are you? 😡

Emily, Rossi it's 2 in the morning, shut the fuck up

JJ, Emily, Rossi both of you shut up, Will and i haven't been sleeping much

Dave, have any of you heard from Izzy, she left at 9 and hasn't come home yet

Emily, she was still at the club when i left, she was talking to a hot guy

JJ, what did he look like

Emily, he looked like Hotch but not as moody and grumpy

Dave, was it Aaron

Emily, i don't think so he was laughing and smiling

Hotch, what the hell, you woke me up

Dave, is Izzy with you Aaron

Hotch, no she isn't, what the hell is going on🤷‍♂️

JJ, Izzy hasn't come home after been at the club with Emily

Derek, i need my beauty sleep, shut up

Emily, no Derek you need a miracle

Derek, Emily open your front door😀

Emily, why?

Derek, open it and you will see

JJ, don't open your door😣

Dave, Emily what did he do

Hotch, Emily answer us

Derek, Emily can't answer the phone right now she is laughing on the floor from being tickled😅😅

Garcia, what the hell is going on, and why is Emily laughing

Hotch, Read up and you will see

JJ, Emily are you ok

Emily, (panting) i hate Derek Morgan, Hotch can i kill him😡

Hotch, no you can't

Izzy, what the fuck is almost 3 why have you woken me up

Dave, Izzy Rossi where are you

Izzy,... Hi dad i am staying at a friend's, i thought i texted you🤓

Dave, no you didn't, and which friend are you staying with

Izzy,.... Spencer

JJ, your with Reid, why isn't he answering the text's

Izzy, i think he is asleep, i'm on his couch

Dave, get your butt home now little lady, i want to talk to you

Izzy,... Dad i can't drive as i had to much to drink, so i will have to get Spencer to drive me

Hotch, i will come get you as i am now wide awake, i will be there in 20

Izzy, thank's Aaron 😚

JJ,Emily,Garcia, AARON?🤨

Izzy, what i call him Aaron outside of work, we have been friend's for year's

Emily, yeah FRIENDS

Izzy, Emily Prentiss shut the hell up

JJ, Emily know's something

Izzy, no she doesn't, and if she doesn't want her secret out she better shut up😜


Dave, what is she talking about Izzy

Izzy, Non conosco papà, è ubriaca/i don't know dad, she is drunk

Dave, Beh, è normale per lei, ma è meglio che mi dica cosa è successo al club signorina/well that is normal for her, but you better tell me what happened at the club young lady

JJ, what are they saying

Hotch, i have no idea, but Izzy i'm down stairs so are you coming down

Izzy, Fine but if my dad kill's me it's on all of you guy's, especially Emily

Emily, what did i do

Spencer, you woke me up that's what, Izzy your not at mine i'm on my couch



Dave, Izzy Rossi where the fuck are you

Emily, (gasps) Rossi swear's

Izzy, i hear it all the time when i have done something i shouldn't have😞

JJ,Emily,Garcia,Derek,Spencer, SO ALL THE TIME THEN

Izzy, Rude🖕

Dave, Izzy and Aaron where are you

Hotch,..... outside of Spencer's where i thought Izzy was

Izzy, if i'm not at Spencer's then where the fuck am i

Dave, Garcia can you track her phone please

Garcia, yes sir

Izzy, Penny don't please don't😧

Garica, (Gasps and Faint's).....

Derek, Babygirl are you alright

JJ, Penny answer us please

Izzy, Hotch,.....................

Izzy has gone offline

Hotch has gone offline

Garcia, our little rose bud is at Hotch's house

Dave,....... Hotchner,Izzy you are both in so much trouble


Spencer, i'm going to bed, see you guy's later

Garcia, goodnight my Genuis

Derek, night prettyboy

JJ,Emily, where is Rossi

Izzy is online

Izzy, anyone have a fake passport i can use, i need to run before my dad gets  here😳

Emily, HAHAHAHA, i have one you can borrow

JJ, why do you have a fake passport

Emily, it was when i went into hiding

Derek, when she faked her death JJ

Izzy, to late my dad is here, please say something nice at my funreal and play heavy metal for me😪😪

Izzy was disconnected

Team, she was so young

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