A BAU Baby

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Izzy, i want to go home

Emily, me 2 Iz. it's been a very long week

JJ, once we land we can go home

Izzy, not me i have to wait for Aaron to finish his work

Emily, drag him by his ear to the car

Izzy, HAHAHA don't tempt me

Hotch, you wouldn't

Izzy, try me

Izzy run's to the bathroom on the Jet and they hear her throw up

Derek, damn what did she eat

Dave, she had a sandwich from the hotel

Spencer, could be that, she hasn't drank any Alcohol

JJ,Emily look at each other and go to help Izzy

Garcia, is my little dove sick

Hotch, we think so Garcia

Garcia, i will make her some tea for when you land

Dave, thanks that will help

Izzy, what the hell is wrong

Izzy snuggles into Hotch's side 

Hotch, could be a stomach bug

Spencer, could be the coffee from the police station that was terrible

Izzy, i didn't drink their coffee i went to starbuck's

JJ, Izzy when was your last period

The Guy's, JJ PLEASE

Izzy look's at her phone 

Izzy, shit i have missed the last 2, i didn't notice because we have been so busy

                                                                  BAU'S Girl Chat

Emily, we think we know what's wrong

JJ, but we will need something to prove it first

Izzy's eye's go wide 

Izzy, you think i am pregnant

JJ, could be but we will get you a test when we land

Izzy, Aaron and my dad are staring at me. we have to think of something else it could be for now

Emily, on it

                                                                       Team Chat

Emily, Izzy didn't you have that prawn sandwich two day's ago?

Izzy, yeah from that little shop

Spencer, that could be it

Hotch, then we will just stay in the office to drop the paperwork off then we will go home

Garcia, i have tea ready for you Dove, it will settle your stomach

Izzy, love you Penny

Garcia, love you too 

The Jet lands and Hotch and Dave help Izzy down the step's 

Emily, JJ and i will go get stuff to settle your stomach and then drop it at your place

Hotch, thank's guy's

                                                              An Hour Later

JJ, here Izzy we have everything you want

Hotch, thanks girl's she has been sick a few more times again

Emily, Izzy why don't you have a shower that will help make you feel better

Izzy, that's a good idea. i will be down soon

Hotch, ok what are you to thinking. Your up to something

JJ, we are not Hotch, we are just concerned about Izzy

Izzy, girl's can you come upstairs please

The girl's head upstairs and Aaron look's at them confused

                                                                           Girl's Chat

Izzy, i took the test and it's say's it's positive

The Girl's, your pregnant

Garcia, a new baby

Emily, how are you going to tell Hotch and Rossi?

Izzy, i will tell Aaron tonight but dad and the team tomorrow at work

JJ, well we will leave you to tell Hotch

The girl's leave and Izzy goes downstairs

Izzy, Aaron can we talk

Hotch, everything okay?

Izzy, yeah just sit down for a second

Izzy hand's him the test and he look's at her

Hotch your pregnant?

Izzy, yep we are having a baby

Hotch scoop's her up and swing's her around and kisses her

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