Back To Work

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Garcia, they should be here soon

Derek, good Hotch can have his job back

Emily, i bet they are tanned

JJ, Izzy is already tanned

Hotch, that is very true


Hotch, Izzy is just talking to Strauss and will be here soon

Dave, why is she talking to Strauss?

Hotch, i have no idea, she met us at the elevator and almost dragged Izzy away

Emily, i bet she is up to something, she has been a pain since you were away

Hotch, she is a pain all the time

Izzy, Odio quella donna e la farò soffrire/i hate that woman and i will make her suffer

Dave, Izzy what did she do?

Izzy, she said because of all the time off i have had, if i get pregnant i would be fired


Hotch, she can't because all the time off is what we were owed 

Izzy, we know that but she is just wanting to piss me off

Dave, i'm going to have a word with her. she can't do that so i will tell her we will go to the higher up's about this

JJ, she really won't like that

Izzy, well since my dad has gone to argue with the snake. we have bought you guy's something from Italy

Garcia, i am coming Dove

Spencer, aww thank you for the book guy's. i always want a first edition of this

Hotch, we know and when we saw it we had to get it for you

JJ,Emily, thanks you for the perfume it smell's great

Garcia, you got me a few plushies of dolphins. Thank you guys

Derek, is this a joke?

Izzy, what don't you like it?

Derek, it's an Italian wig, i can grow my hair guys

Hotch, look under it Morgan

Derek, wow a new watch and its a rolex

Izzy your welcome pain in the ass

Dave, Izzy hai detto che avresti buttato Erin giù dal tetto/Izzy did you say you would throw Erin off the roof

Izzy, No, non l'ho fatto e se chiedi a Penny di controllare la macchina fotografica vedrai cosa è successo/no i did not and if you get Penny to check the camera's you will see what happened

Dave, Garcia can you check the camera's for me and tell me what Izzy said to Strauss please

Garcia, off course

Emily, why what is she saying about Izzy

Izzy, she told me dad i threatned her

Garcia, it was Strauss that made threat's to Izzy Rossi

Dave, okay i will go sort this now

Hotch, Dave leave it for now as we can send a copy of the video to the Director. Come and get your presant

Dave, i am running

Izzy, been 30 year's since he ran lol

Dave, Izzy Rossi-Hotchner you behave

The Girl's, the chaos demon is back, and we missed you

Izzy, i missed you guys too. even though i was exhausted most of the time

The girls, what did you guy's get up too?

Hotch, i'm going to my office, Izzy see you for Lunch

Izzy, ok baby

Izzy and the girl's start talking about the honeymoon and the girl's squeal and Derek and Spencer look at each other and Derek say's ( i don't want to know what they are saying), Spencer nods and say's ( i'm going to make some coffee). They leave their desk's and Emily say's ( so is he packed), Izzy laugh's and say's ( girl that man is so packed). They laugh and then Hotch say's ( back to work everyone, honeymoon is over), he wink's at Izzy and JJ say's ( at work it is but not at home). 

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