The pills

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I calmed myself.

There was no need to to be reminded of those memories. I had got used to the nightmare. Of course,It didn't make the experience any less traumatizing and I still didn't jump off. I knew the answer now...

Brain had told me there was water beneath and Jumping off would save my life but I just couldn't. Even the sheer thought of jumping off a cliff without the necessary safety measures gave me goosebumps.

'That's right' muttered brain 'At this moment I know you wouldn't choose the correct option. I'm just doing it to piss you off'

'Whatever' I tried to think as calm as possible so he wouldn't think that his attempt to piss me off was working.

Heart sighed

 'You can't hide anything from us' He said with disappointment oozing through his tongue  ' We can even listen to your, We are you subconscious .

Brain sniggered 'I knew it was scary'

I gritted my teeth in irritation.

I buckled up my belt and looked at myself in the mirror. This wasn't my look. I wore a shiny black tuxedo that hurt my eyes. The pants were not a perfect fit in fact I was already beginning to miss my pyjamas.

'It's a necessity' Brain said seriously which reminded me of the argument we had before because I wanted to go to the meetup wearing my night suit.

So, yeah you get the picture......I looked like a 2 yr old pick me boy.

I exhaled and gave a smile to oblivion. Nothing special just an old fashioned smile. Things were finally going my pace. Not too fast, not too boring just fine.

Everything was fine.

Heart nodded 'I know, it feels weird when did you get so lucky'

I chuckled at myself in pity.

My eyes glanced towards the medicine cabinets. There were no medicines of course just tablets that shut both the voices for a while but I decided against using them unless in extreme cases seeing that the consequences were worse than the voices themselves. 

'That's right' Said brain 'It triggers that...thing ' 

I nodded 

Whenever I used those tablets on me it activated another voice. A very evil one that I liked to call suicidal.

I last used them year's ago. They just sat there and seeing my past experiences, I was thankful of it.

The Voice always persuaded me to hurt myself and before I snapped fully back into control again I had blood all over my dry skin which did nothing but make me nauseous.

Brain remained quite. He never liked to discuss this topic. He hated the voice, all of us did. Every time He took over I felt hopeless. Full possession, Imagine that . 

Worse part, It was me. That disgusted me. There was a part of me that was more evil than half the criminals in prison. 

I shuddered at that thought. That isn't me I tried to convince myself.

I was not suicidal......but a part of me was....


Sheesh....I loved writing this chapter.

There's a thing called split personalities but I'm not doing that with Yakshit. I mentally ripping him apart in pieces.

evil laughter*

Bye Guys and Girls

Hv a nice day  


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