Bad Bitch

23 4 1
  • Đã dành riêng cho molly

I decided to take a cab instead of auto this time......

I know, not my usual self...not the average kanjoos guy

So yeah, this is my message to my bank account to defend why I decided to worsen its already pitiable condition:


Dear emptiest-account-of-HDFC

Now look here, I know seeing the state I am in, it's very absurd that I am taking a cab. even though your condition is very...uh...concerning, I guess we can make an exception. I know your reaction right now must be something like 'These small small changes make big financial differences'. Well, sorry. I have to go to Meet Dhanvi's possible future husband and I think she would appreciate if I included class.

Yours truly



The cafe where the meeting was due was very far away from the room in which I lived.

The price unfortunately, was gonna be around 280 rupees. Not so much to the average human but I wasn't privileged enough to be one.. On the other side if I took an auto the pricing would partially depend on how generous the driver was and partially on my bargaining skills.

280 rupees.....

The same prices as a Double Double. I  obviously never bought that drink...too expensive but working there we got (more like stole) a few drinks here and there.

The same drink Trishya bought that day...

Heart looked at me weirdly with his abstract face  'Bro, it's impossible for you to like think for even 5 min without her popping in your mind'

Brain seemed mystified by his accusation 'Why are you saying she popped in me' He said smoothly side eyeing Heart 'That sounds sexual'

Heart looked at Brain in disgust and mystery 'WHAT!'

I chuckled at that

the cab was on its way..... apparently it was a Maruti swift

Having nothing else to do. I simply stared at my phone's screen. Cursing whenever Vineet kumar (The driver) made a wrong turn.

I wasn't afraid of being late. I knew my adhd would distract me along the way like everyday, I modified my mentality to think that the meeting was due 30 min prior than it actually was (Big brain alert!!)

I snapped back to reality as my phone violently vibrated through my hands giving me chills. I glanced at the screen. An unknown number was trying to contact me.

I picked up and put the phone to my ear not eager at all about what my driver had to say

'HELLO' Vinnet Bellowed 'I HAVE ARRIVED' His voice was thick with indian accent. Now I know where Bollywood got their stereotypical beliefs about india from. 

I cut the call and sprinted downstairs changing my mood midway and using the lift instead.

The insides of the Vehicle looked comfy. I stepped in and sat on the cushioned seats. I thought that I was going to breathe in the experience. Unfortunately, this wasn't my style. The open wind felt better than the air conditioner being on full blast. I missed my auto :( . The whole journey I just awkwardly sat in silence. Feeling no need to converse with the driver. 

The destination was more of a treat. It wasn't any coffee shop and obviously not some kind of Dhaba. A cafe, A very good one too.

I strived towards it feeling hotter every second (uhh...not in that way) Wearing a black suit was a mistake. The temperature was scorching hot.

Switching PrioritiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ