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"Hullo, I'm Remus Lupin. I'm here for my neph__"


Remus Lupin looked away from the nurse at the front reception desk to Hermione who came walking swiftly towards him.

She wasted no time in throwing her arms around him, her face burying into his buttoned up khaki colored cardigan that had patches on the elbows.

He held her for a moment, sinking into the embrace before pushing her away slightly to look at her.

"How is he?,"he asked, ignoring the receptionist's snooty looks at his attire of brown pants, green and blue checkered shirt and cardigan.

"Come see for yourself, Remus. Where's Sirius?"

Hermione lead him away from the reception desk and down a hallway that smelled strongly of chemicals and sick people.

"Sirius and Harry are working to get Lyle transferred to Saint Arthur's Clinic in La Push Reservation. The other clinic is in Port Angeles, but Sirius thought it best to transfer Lyle to La Push because of his distant Black cousins living there."

"Why didn't Sirius say anything about distant Black cousins? It would've been quite nice to have known that seeing as Lyle is his nephew and all."

Remus shrugged. He didn't know what to say to that. Sirius might have forgotten about Billy Black living near Forks. Or he might have thought it irrelevant for Lyle and his friends to know about.

They walked into a hallway where Ron sat near a closed door.

Remus could smell his nephew's scent coming from the room behind that door. As well as sometimes horribly sweet and disgusting. It made Remus feel slightly nauseated.

"Did it happen again?," Hermione asked, confusing Remus. What happened again?

"Thankfully no. Doctor Cullen and a nurse are only doing a checkup."

Hermione's shoulders seemed to sag in utter relief.

"Hullo, Remus," Ron greeted Remus, who only nodded, a worried expression on his face, his shoulders tense.

The minutes ticked away slowly before the door opened and the doctor walked out, followed by a nurse.

Remus's body tensed further at the sight of the doctor, his eyes taking in the impossibly pale flawless skin and the blonde hair.

It wasn't just that, that put Remus on edge. It was his smell. It hurt his nostrils and made him feel quite sick.

The doctor paused outside the door, nodding to the nurse in farewell before he looked towards them, his golden colored eyes turning darker when they caught Remus's amber brown eyes.

Remus's lips pulled into a silent snarl as he stepped forward towards the doctor.

The doctor stood his ground, his darkened eyes narrowing, his nostrils flaring as if he smelled something quite disgusting.

Remus stopped before him. "It has been a long time since I met one of your kind," he growled.

The doctor sneered. "Shouldn't your kind be dead?"

Remus chuckled humorlessly. "Your kind will never completely kill off our kind, Doctor. We are like weeds."

The doctor snorted before looking towards Hermione and Ron who stared at them open-mouthed, shamelessly eavesdropping, though it can't really be eavesdropping because they were standing close and can hear everything there is said without trying.

"Care to tell me who this is?," the doctor addressed Hermione.

Hermione closed her mouth and swallowed nervously, her eyes darting to Remus, who glared at the doctor's obvious rudeness by not even asking him his own name.

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