His mother, Dai Weixue, walked in.

"Lil' Fan, you're back so soon?" Dai Weixue was shocked.

Lin Fan made a shushing gesture, indicating for them to go out and talk so as not to disturb his father's rest.

In the corridor.

"Mom, how's Dad's condition?" Lin Fan asked.

At the start, Dai Weixue hid it from Lin Fan because she did not want him to worry.

Now that Lin Fan knew that Lin Tao had fallen ill, there was no need to hide it anymore.

"There's a tumor in your father's stomach. After we pay the fees, we should be able to arrange for the surgery within these two days." Dai Weixue's eyes were slightly red as she said this.

"By the way, you still haven't told me what that five million is all about?"

When Lin Tao fell ill, Dai Weixue felt as if the entire sky was falling down, but she gritted her teeth and endured it all.

For the past two days, she had been taking care of Lin Tao and borrowing money from people everywhere.

However, the surgery required a huge sum of money, and Dai Weixue couldn't raise enough in such a short time.

Today, Lin Fan suddenly sent over 5 million bucks, making Dai Weixue both surprised and happy. However, she did not dare to pay the surgery fees immediately.

Lin Fan was just an ordinary worker. Where did he get such a large sum of money?

Dai Weixue was worried that he was taking the wrong path.

If she were to use this sum of money and it ended up harming Lin Fan, then it would be too late for regrets.

Lin Fan said, "Mom, don't worry. This is the money I earned from investing in stocks and buying Bitcoin. Moreover, this is only a small part of it. Our family is no longer short of money."

Regarding the system, Lin Fan did not intend to tell anyone about it. This included his parents and sister.

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It was not that Lin fan did not trust his parents and sister. The main thing was that even if he told them, they would not believe him. It would only add to their troubles.

Dai Weixue had also heard that people could become rich overnight by buying stocks and Bitcoin.

Therefore, when she heard Lin Fan's words, she heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

Then, she looked at Lin Tao, who was lying in the ward bed with an extremely worried look.

After a moment, she said in a hoarse voice, "I'll go and pay the fee first."

Lin Gan said, "Mom, sit and rest. I'll go."

The hospital was never short of patients, and there was a long queue at the payment window.

At this moment, a group of doctors in white coats and a few middle-aged men in white shirts who exuded a superior aura walked in together.

Behind them were a few professional reporters with microphones in their hands and video cameras on their shoulders.

The tall and thin man standing beside Lin Fan said in shock, "There's even a camera! What's that for?"

The shorter man said, "No way. Didn't you see the news? The man with the glasses is a big leader in the city!"

"Heavens! A big leader from the city came to visit the hospital? Doesn't that mean we can also appear on TV today?" The tall, thin man said excitedly.

Lin Fan heard the conversation between the two of them, and his eyes flickered slightly. He walked up with large strides.

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