chapter one: MOVE IN DAYYYYY

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A/N: this is crack. im not sorry. its all i can do when im writing happy stuff.

"This is way bigger than I thought it would be." Aaron Hotchner murmured, stepping through the front door. "I've only seen it in pictures."

A snicker echoed from down a seemingly empty hall as Derek Morgan entered the room. "Now what are we talking about?" He asked, raising a joking eyebrow.

Though he rolled his eyes at the innuendo, Hotch couldn't help but smirk.

The two surveyed the entry hall, suddenly silent.

"I can't believe they're letting us do this." Morgan finally said.

"Making us do this." Hotch amended. "We didn't really have a choice on the sabbatical."

"But all this?" Morgan waved a hand around the room, and Hotch knew what he meant. It was a two story house, a bedroom for each member of the team, complete with multiple bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and living room to boot-- not even to mention the attic and basement. This was something they could never afford... without the generosity of the FBI. After learning of their desire to help each other through the sabbatical and recent accruing of trauma, they agreed not only on paid leave, but on letting them use one of the FBI properties.

"Well, it helps being the most productive and simultaneously disturbed team in the bureau."

Morgan couldn't help but agree. They certainly got special treatment, but they certainly deserved it.

From the other side of the front door, a squeal of excitement broke through the silence. Knowing the sound well, Morgan rushed to the front door.

"Angel face, what are you doing here so early? Here I was thinking I'd get Hotch all to myself."

With a giggle, Penelope Garcia pushed past him, dropping her bags carelessly onto the floor.

"It's wonderful!" She gasped. Turning to Hotch, she faked sincerity, "I'm so sorry to interrupt your... alone time." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Crossing his arms and tapping his foot, the man ignored gracefully.

"Is it just us three?" She asked.

Morgan nodded. "I think JJ and Emily are getting lunch before coming over. Rossi is... being old, I don't know, all I know is he's coming later. Spencer should be here any minute."

"Well, then..." Penelope said cheekily, "We can all have some alone time... if Hotch is okay with that?"

"Oh my god, leave me alone," Hotch groaned.

Penelope agreed, "Fine, but only because Spencer will be here soon and we know he'd be uncomfortable."

"Or confused." Morgan grinned.

"But I'm uncomfortable."

"Yeah, but don't like you."


By four PM, Emily and JJ had finally arrived, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake (as was usual).

"Where the fuck is the kitchen?" Emily mumbled, taking off her sunglasses.

Morgan grinned. "Why, you need a glass of water with that hangover?"

"No," Her eyes glinted mischievously. "I need somewhere to store all this alcohol I have for mOVE IN DAYYYYY!"

JJ pushed past her with all their bags. "Make yourself useful, you dumbass."

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