14) Don't Lie To Me, Kai

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"Keep your voice down Juan, but seriously Kai what the fuck happened to your face?" Stacy asked.

"I am speaking at a totally reasonable volume, thank you very much. People just need to mind their business."

"Or maybe you're talking too loud dipshit." Austin told Juan.

Juan looked left, right and behind him as if he was looking for someone, then he looked back to Austin. "Who the hell are you talking to? Because it definitely wasn't me."

"Of course I was talking to you, who else was I talking to?"

"Well the thing is Austin, I wasn't speaking to you, I was talking to Kai, and you decided to get your pretty little self involved in it."

"Jesus christ Juan, you just like to turn anything into an argument. I'm simply saying to be mindful of Kai's feelings, his face is fucked up and I'm sure that he doesn't want the entire school to know that. And yes, I know I'm pretty."

Juan sighed. "I guess you have a point."

"You guess? You were the one who called me pretty in the first place" Said Austin.

"Yes that's exactly what I said, do I need to clean your ears out for you so that you could hear better?"

"Like I'd ever let a mad man like you play in my ears." Austin said.

"OK that's enough you two. I swear you'll are like an old married couple that seriously needs to get divorced." Stacy said.

"Now back to Kai, what happened to your face." She continued.

"Was it a fight? Please tell me that you at least got a good punch in." Juan asked.

"Yeah, who was it? Was it that Shane guy? Or Rob? I heard that he gets into a fight like every week." Austin said.

"Rob? As in Rob on the football team? Where did you get that information from?" Juan questioned Austin.

"Guys," Stacy interrupted snapping her fingers. "Can we focus on the task at hand."

I sighed. "I walked into a wall."

Juan looked at me. Austin looked at me. Stacy looked at me.
"Seriously Kai? A wall? I thought it was going to be something more exciting." Stacy said.

I nodded. "I was walking and not looking where I was going."

"Dude you look like you more than just walked into a wall, you look like that wall beat the shit out of you. I'm talking suplex and choke slam beat the shit out of you." Austin said causing Juan to laugh out loud.

Stacy gave Juan a knowing look causing him to mutter sorry under his breath. "Seriously though man, you need to pay more attention to where you're going, you can seriously hurt yourself." Juan said and I nodded.

Phew, thank god they bought the lie. I breathed out a sigh of relief. After that I zoned out of the conversation that they were having. My attention was only brought back when I heard Damien's name.

"Huh? What about Damien?" I asked causing Juan to give me a knowing look.

"The question was, 'who is the one person in school that you will switch lives with for a week.' And I chose Damien." Austin said.

"Why Damien?" I asked. Just saying his name was causing me to blush, so I tried covering my cheeks up with my hands.

"Well for starters, the guy is loaded. Have you seen the car he drives? Have you seen his house? The guy lives in a mansion, his father owns an oil company and his mother owns a law firm. And he is built like a Greek god. I bet he gets whatever girls he wants." Austin said.

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