Kamijo X Oc : A Blissful Dance with The Cancer

Start from the beginning

She had made it clear that she wasn't cut out for that kind of life. To have her husband work, while she stayed home and became a lady of the finest leisures. Because she would have the finest with me, I would have made sure of it. She had told me that it simply wasn't in her genetic makeup, to sit idly by everyday, while I worked my ass off to provide for us. It had been a hard pill for me to swallow without almost choking. I had been raised completely differently. 

I had watched my father lay himself bare for my mother, even though she was, in her own right, a successful woman before marrying him. But his love for her was so great, that he wanted for her, what I wanted for Emberly. My mother, although finding it difficult at first, had finally adjusted and realised that it had given her all the time she wanted. Time she had given to me and my upbringing. My memories of my mother were fond, as I was always with her and we were always doing something together. My father joined us every chance he had and was always very present. But I had grown watching him love my mother in a particular way that had worked splendidly for them. I had thought that was the proper way to love your spouse or partner. 

So when I attempted to apply that to my life with Emberly and it had backfired in a sense. I had been left rather adrift and confused as to how to proceed. So I had tried to force the issue and almost lost her at one point. Then, I had begun to listen and realised that the way my wife needed to be loved, was completely different to how my mother had needed to be loved. I understood then that Emberly wasn't saying that the way my parents loved each other was wrong. She had simply been saying that it was wrong for her. I had pivoted then and began learning how to love Emberly specifically. 

I had cast away the notions I had developed regarding how to be a good husband. And instead, used the foundations my parents had laid, to build mine and Emberly's vision of love and commitment. It was the best thing I had ever done because she and I had become nigh on indestructible as a unit. We had understanding, trust and a level of mutual respect that was phenomenal. All safely tucked under the wings of that bittersweet mistress called love. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it was perfect for us and that's all that mattered. 

"Kami, you're petting me, like Mas pets Pi after a long trip away. I'm not complaining, but are you OK?" 

Emberly's tired, soft voice broke through the haze of my stream of thought and startled me for a moment. Looking down, I realised that I had kind of been petting her like I would pet a cat. Complete with soft, gentle head scratches, all that was missing was the purring. Or in Pisuke's case, drool. I pulled my hand away then and felt my cheeks warm a little. Before I chuckled lightly. 

"Yes, ma cherie. I'm fine, now that I'm home. I didn't mean to wake you." I replied apologetically, placing a small, lingering kiss to her forehead. Before pulling away to speak again. "I was just lost in thought and I know how you like me to run my hands through your hair. Whether you're asleep or awake." 

"It's ok, lover. I was just concerned for a minute. Mhmm. It lets me know you're there and that I'm safe again. What were you thinking about?" She asked sleepily, clearly struggling to stay awake. 

I lapsed back into my thoughts, not replying right away, as I attempted to figure out how to best articulate where my stream of consciousness had been flowing. But I jumped a little, not expecting when I felt a nip on the palm of my hand. Looking down, I couldn't help but laugh. Emberly had bitten me. Not hard, more a love bite than anything. It was a habit of hers that I found endlessly entertaining and remarkably adorable. She called it cute aggression. She had done it from the beginning really, even when we were at each other's throats. 

She would often, in the middle of a spat, bite at my finger or my arm. Usually in the heat of the moment, or when I wasn't rising to her goading and remained calm and collected. It drove her mad. And I had thought it was just a weird as hell quirk that she had when she got pissed. But then, after we had settled our differences and realised that we actually liked each other, she would often end up nipping at me, if I love bombed, or wooed her enough. Love bombed in the good sense mind you, not in the narcissistic sense of the term. 

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