Swimming over the corals I found a beautiful big white shell, it was flat with a fan shape, besides all it's ridges going down the shell, it was beautifully smooth on top, the interior held a beautiful pearly effect that made me fall in love with it more. 

I swam to the shallow water as I walked out onto the dry sand grabbing a small piece of string, I sat down looking out at the sea it was something i often did I loved to hear the waves coming in and out. I tied one knot on the end of my string to stop all the shells falling off, I started with the smallest ones putting blue then white repeating the same pattern.

I was so focused on what I was doing I never noticed the shadow looming over me, I slowly looked up and locked eyes with the one person I didn't want to see today, "hey" he said quietly "mind if I sit down" I just looked at him and shrugged my shoulders I'll be honest I wasn't fussed what he did. I continued adding shells to my necklace, adding the big one in the middle to stand out. "That's pretty. Where's you find it?" He said trying to make conversation as I just pointed out to the sea. "Oh okay, do you like collecting shells?" I look at him and roll my eyes gently "Tálèa..listen I'm sorry for my actions yesterday."

"You said there's something about me.." I whisper "everyone says that when they think I'm weird. But it wasn't just that I wanted space today." He looked at me trying to think of an answer "hey..I didn't mean it that I think you're weird, I think you're special, i can just tell you have a pure heart you intrigue me, in a good way. I'm sorry if I overstepped" he says with a smile.

"In answer to your question..yes I do like to collect shells" I say trying to avert the subject. "I like the colours you chose, they suit you the blue matches your eyes beautifully" I couldn't hide the blush that crept on my face as I quickly look away "oh thank you" I responded as I continued to add shells to my necklace.

Neteyam sat with me while I finished my necklace he was happy watching how I did it, I was happy with the silence but the company was also nice. "All done" I held up the necklace to show him "it's really pretty Tálèa, maybe you could make me one?" I gave him a big smile "really? You'd wear it?" I asked excitedly. "Of course I would" I kept smiling as I felt touched that someone really liked what I did. "What colours would you like?" I asked him. "Whatever you think looks best" he responded with a smile.

I slowly lifted my hand up to his neck to inspect his necklace before I stopped.. "can I look at your necklace?" He smiled as he nodded his head I let my hand run over the beads, they held different engravings on them that I didn't understand. "what are the engravings?" I watched as he gently untied it to show me, he began pointing at different symbols "my mum made me a couple of them, they stand for strength, love and family. I have similar beads in my hair" he said showing me. He put his necklace back on as I tied my new one on looking at him waiting for a response "it looks beautiful" he said looking right at me. I muttered a "thank you" in response.

"Can I show you something..I think you'll like it" I said looking at him with hopeful eyes, he nodded his head in response "well yesterday you told me how beautiful your forest was at night, so you need to see our waters at night!" I said as I started running for the water him soon chasing after me as I dove under.

His eyes widened as he looked all around him, every thing glowed, every sea creature that passed had beautiful marking that shone brightly through the water. I started making a clicking noise for my ilu grabbing on as we swam away, Neteyam was quick he always caught up, he looked behind him as the ripples in the water lit up behind him leaving a beautiful path, I made my Ilu circle over and under his creating a glowing arch in my path.

I soon took my Ilu up to the surface laughing in joy as Neteyam joined "wow..just wow thank you for showing me that" he says with the biggest smile on his face. "I thought you'd like it!" I said returning my big smile. "Will you return for lessons tomorrow?" He asked "possibly" I said with a smile.

Our ilu's brought us back to the beach as we got off walking towards our pods, "I hope to see you for lessons tomorrow" he said. "But I'll let you off if you're too busy making me a necklace" he said with a smirk nudging me slightly. "Maybe I can do both" I said returning his smile "goodnight" I said as I walked off to my pod.


3 chapters in one day!!

I just couldn't wait to write these down this will be the last chapter for today!

I'd like to try and upload tomorrow but I'm working till later so I may not have time!

I hope you all like this chapter !

Goodnight my lovelies x

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