boys got me fucked up

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theres this one guy who is an asshole but really hes so adorable???

i want to punch him in the face but then i also want to make out with him like wtf caitlyn make up ur mind


theres this other guy too

which is literally my soft spot i cant punch him only make out


we get so close and flirty and ive been told he likes me then he doesnt talk to me for a day$$$

ive tried asking if hes ok and stuff and i say he can always talk to me and that shit but hes like bipolar about life

idek man

ryan ross is who im destined to marry anyways

oH wait he text me bae text me he text me ok he text me ok ok ok im ugh ok

we're gon date soon i can feel it lol

AnxietyAtTheBall is my main go follow her and read her awesome stories :D

thanks pete

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