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*Amelia's POV🤓*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting through my ear. Ugh!! Its the first day of school, Yay!! Note the sarcasm.

The only thing that even got me through freshman year was the presence of my best friend, Nathaniel Morris. My aunt Aurora doesn't really like him and i don't know why. He's literally the nicest person on the planet.

I got up, did my morning routine and got dressed for school. Sophomore year, here I come.

I headed downstairs to the smell of my aunts special first day of school breakfast, she makes this for me, my older brother Luke and cousin Lizzy. My cousin and I are in the same grade and Luke is going to college today.

"Morning guys", I said as sat by the kitchen island with a stack of blueberry pancakes waiting for me.

"Smells great, Aunty Ro, you never disappoint".

"Morning honey, I just used your moms old cookbook/spell book. I can't take all the credit", my aunt said as she got started on her breakfast. My brother chuckled next to her.

"I knew these tasted familiar. Just like how mom used to make them, with love and a hint of magic". I slapped the back of his head.

"Smartass", I muttered. He stuck his tongue out at me and I flipped him off. "Childish too, I guess", I laughed and so did Lizzy.

After we were all done, we said bye to Luke, as he will be living in the dorm of his college. We might only see him at thanksgiving again.

"Bye Lulu, I'm gonna miss your stupid ass". Luke ruffled up my hair, I knew he hated that nickname. Mom used call him that all the time.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?", he said with a smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "Anyway, I'm gonna miss you soo much little sis. You don't know how much".

He said goodbye to my aunt Ro and Lizzy. They were both crying, literally aunt Ro was full on sobbing. It was kinda amusing to watch.

Aunt Ro was doing that thing that Suzie Diaz ( the mom) does on Stuck in the middle when she doesn't want to cry and it was so funny.

(A/N: If you know, you know)


We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, Luke in his car and Lizzy and I in aunt Ro's car.

We arrived at school about ten minutes later. Lizzy and I got out of the car and went inside and to our assigned lockers.

As I got to my locker, there he was; my best friend Nathaniel in all his glory. I haven't really seen him since he left for his annual family vacation last summer. I think he got abs, he is looking extra hot today, even the other girls were oogling him and for some reason it was pissing me off. I sent a glare towards the group of freshman girls who walked by as I approached him.

"Hey Nate, how was your summer", I asked as I opened my locker but for some reason I was met with silence. He always answers me.

I look up towards him and I notice he has bags under his eyes. It looks like he hasn't slept in weeks, I wonder whats wrong.
"Did you have fun, how's your mom", I said trying again but still silence. Now he's starting to piss me off, for real.

"Nathaniel Morris, if you don't answer me right now I swear to go-", he stopped me before I could finish my empty threat.

"I'm leaving the school" he said with a look of remorse on his face. He has to be joking right?...He can't be serious, but as I look at his face all I see is seriousness, like dead serious.

"Its literally the first day of school and you want to leave? What about me, what am I supposed to do?".

"Not everything is about about you Amelia. I'm leaving for good and you're never gonna see me again. I'm going to stay with my dad for now, I have to go", he didn't even look me in the face as he said that.

"Wait, your dad? Does your mom know?, you know she hates your dad. How could she even agree to this?...and I know not everything is about me, but why?".

"I'm sorry", is all he said and he started to walk away towards the exit. I ran after him into the parking lot.

"Nathaniel Morris, you better give me a better goodbye than that. We've been best friends since the first grade, you can't just leave me without a proper explanation"...I shouted in his face.

He just walked past me and towards his car. Yeah, he's fifteen and he has a car. He's that rich, but that's not the point. The point is that he's leaving me for good.

He just drove off, without a second glance broke me. I fell down to my knees and started crying. Lizzy found me outside and tried to calm me down.

But I couldn't, Nathaniel Morris just left with my heart forever and he's not ever coming back.


I'm back, did y'all miss me. This is my new werewolf book, I thought this would get more love than my first book. So please be nice.

How was the prologue, next chapter is gonna be set four years in the future. Pls tell me if y'all like it


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