Part 5

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Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.

Aemond knew in his blood and in his bones that he was supposed to be with Visenya. He could not walk away. Whatever he had to do to bring this about was justified... even if it broke his mother's heart.

He had a plan, a way that he and Visenya could escape and be together without interference from Daemon or anyone else... but it was a little drastic. They would fake their own deaths, leaving behind a suicide note, and escape by ship across the Narrow Sea.

Vhagar would follow later -she would always be drawn to her master, but it would be too suspicious if they fled on her back now. He would have to be careful never to ride her again where they might be seen. But that was a matter for later consideration.

If they were not believed to be dead, Daemon would certainly pursue them, and then Aemond would have to kill him -and he did not think this would be the most auspicious start to his marriage. Moreover, it would certainly cause a war to immediately break out between the black and green divisions.

By leaving to be with Visenya, Aemond knew he was exposing his family to danger. When his father, the King, died, if Rhaenyra ascended the throne, she could move to cut off any challenge to her succession. This naturally included himself, his brothers and their children. Without himself and Vhagar there to protect them, his family would be vulnerable. It was selfish to abandon them, he knew it... but he could not live without Visenya!

For so many years he'd been alone, alone and angry. Now the prospect of being with the girl he loved was dangling right within his grasp, he found he was powerless to resist. He must reach out and seize the opportunity, just as he had the night he'd claimed Vhagar. The risk was immense, but the reward would be worth it.

While the others were occupied at the tourney, Aemond made his preparations. He gathered together a sack of valuables, worth enough to begin a new life abroad, although individually none of them would be missed. He also brought along four small bags of coins to use as bribes. Since he and Visenya were meant to be committing suicide, it would not make sense for him to pack any of his other possessions. They really would be having a fresh start.

He wrote a heartfelt letter to leave behind for his mother, begging for her forgiveness, but explaining that he would sooner die than face the prospect of a life without Visenya. He then went to see his sister Helaena. She alone would know of his plan. He feared if she truly believed him dead, she might never recover. She was a sensitive soul after all and had always depended heavily upon him for support. Besides, he needed her to know that if she found herself or her children in danger, she could come to him for protection.

"Sister?" he murmured softly, entering her chamber.

The young princess was seated in a beam of sunlight, pouring in through the open window, her head bent over her embroidery. She never attended the tournaments; she could not stomach the violence and bloodshed.

"Brother," she greeted him with a faint smile and that characteristic faraway look in her eyes.

Aemond closed the door behind him and slowly sat down beside her, taking her hands gently in his.

"I've come to say goodbye, Hellie. I'm going away."

She inclined her head.

"I know," she responded, in that eerie tone that never failed to disconcert him. "Dragons flee across the sea. Spool of black, spool of green."

Aemond's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Helaena's glazed eyes looked through him rather than at him.

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