Part 4

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Give me my sin again

With the help of her maid, Visenya swiftly donned her gown and braided her hair. She was impatient to see Aemond again. But before she could depart, the door swung open, and her father entered her bedchamber. She froze -heart, mind and body.

Daemon smiled at her, with a touch of guilt.

"Daughter," he greeted her warmly.


To her surprise he came forward and gently clasped both her hands.

"I've had time to reflect on what transpired here last night, and I realize I may have perhaps been a little hard on you," he said slowly, rubbing his thumb over her wrist. "You are not to blame for that- for Aemond's behavior. You did not seek him out after all... You are such an innocent, Visenya, and you've been much alone all these years. Small wonder he was able to overcome your judgement."

A surge of anger had Visenya opening her mouth to argue, but she promptly closed it again. There was nothing she could say to change her father's mind, and Aemond was waiting for her. She needed to bring this conversation to a close as swiftly as possible without arousing her father's suspicion.

"I am unfamiliar with the ways of men," she conceded, lowering her gaze bashfully. "I did not mean to displease you father."

"I know, it is no matter. We need not speak of it again. Lord Stark will be with us soon, and you will be his wife before the week is out. Only think my girl, your firstborn son will be Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and your second will inherit all of Runestone."

"It is a fine match to be sure. I am grateful."

Daemon smiled and flicked her cheek. "I'm going down to the tourney grounds. Do you care to join me?"

She hesitated, mind quickly piecing together a plausible excuse that her father would not challenge.

"Well actually, if you do not dislike it father, I wish very much to visit the sept. I want to pray to the Maid, to ask forgiveness for my behavior last night, and to light candles in thanks for Lord Stark's offer of marriage."

The Rogue Prince regarded her closely, both curious and faintly appalled. "I had no idea you were so devout."

"Oh yes, I have always found the Faith of the Seven most comforting," she responded meekly, without so much as the flicker of an eyelid to betray the lie. And then boldly she added, "would you like to accompany me father? We could pray together."

As she'd hoped, Daemon recoiled from this suggestion. She knew he placed no faith in any gods and that he despised religion in all forms.

"Oh no, I would only disturb you," he excused himself hastily. "Sampson will escort you there, and you shall join me later at the joust."

She smiled sweetly up at him. "Thank you, father."


And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go"

The guard, Sampson, dutifully walked Visenya to the sept. When they reached it's great and imposing doors, she asked whether he would be good enough to wait for her outside, as she did not wish to be interrupted. Sampson cast his eye around the room. Upon seeing no one, he acceded to this request, remaining stationed outside while she went within.

Visenya walked as calmly as she could to the pale marble altar beneath the statue of the Maid, hands clasped together anxiously. She was trembling. Her heart was all aflutter at the prospect of being alone with Aemond again. Her blood pounded in her ears from the thrill of the danger of defying her father's wishes. It was all terribly exciting, and she was struggling to contain her feelings as she'd been brought up to do.

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