Part 3

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And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet..."

Unfortunately, Aemond was seen climbing in through Visenya's window. Worse still, word was immediately dispatched to both Daemon and the King informing them of this. But the greatest misfortune was perhaps that Daemon burst into his daughter's chambers at the precise moment Aemond had drawn her onto his lap. White with fury, the Rogue Prince stormed towards the young lovers, his mood ripe for murder.

"What the fuck is this?!" he demanded, glaring at Aemond who was hastily disengaging himself from Visenya.

"Father wait!" she pleaded.

Daemon paid her no heed. He drew Dark Sister and levelled it at Aemond's chest. The one-eyed prince stood quite fearlessly, squaring up to his uncle.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" he challenged.

"We'll find out presently."

"My father will have your head if you do."

"Doubtful, he didn't so much as lift a finger when you lost your eye did he?" That made Aemond flinch. Daemon sneered. "I don't think he cares much for his sons."

"Stop it father!" Visenya cried. She stepped in front of Aemond protectively. "How can you say such things to your own nephew?"

"I'll say whatever I please to the cunt who was defiling my daughter."

"He wasn't defiling me!"

"He's corrupted you! What lord do you suppose would wed you if word of this got out? You'd be spoiled goods."

"Then wed her to me," Aemond proposed, making Visenya look up at him in surprise, "in keeping with the traditions of our House."

"I would sooner feed her to Caraxes then wed her to you," spat Daemon. "In any case, she is already betrothed."

"What?" Visenya hastily turned back to her father. "To whom?"

"Cregan Stark. And Gods forbid he should ever hear of this..."

Aemond's expression darkened. He glowered at his uncle, lips pressed into a thin line, hand going to the hilt of his own sword.

"What is the meaning of this?" Queen Alicent glided into the room, clad in an elegant nightgown and matching robe. Her ever-faithful Ser Cole hovered by the doorway, averting his gaze from the underdressed Visenya. Daemon reluctantly lowered his sword.

"Mother-" Aemond faltered. "How did you-"

"I was with the King when he received word that our son had been seen climbing into a lady's bedchamber." She gestured at Aemond impatiently. "What were you thinking?"

Aemond pursed his lips and looked away. What could he possibly say? He hadn't been thinking. He knew his behavior was wrong; he just couldn't stop himself.

"We can guess what he was thinking," said Daemon, lips twisting in disgust. "He meant to force himself on my daughter. Do you know what the penalty for rape is, boy?"

"No!" Visenya protested. "He didn't- that's not what this was!"

"There's no need to issue threats, Daemon," said Alicent, with dignity. "This is a family matter after all. I'm sure you do not wish for news of this to spread any more than we do." Her gaze softened slightly as it rested on Visenya. "Are you hurt?"

She shook her head. Alicent turned back to Daemon, regal and impressive even in her nightdress.

"Then let us consider the matter at an end."

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