xxiii. a stormy night

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"And you had no other way but to let that happen."

"I was powerless, Adonis. I was still not the man I am today. I had to gulp down the death of Khusboo and act like I had moved on." Firdaus felt his tears mix with the raindrops. "Parmenion believes we are all his slaves, that we are staying with him like dogs with protruding tongues, saliva dripping in the sight of wealth and fame. But what are those luxuries when weighted against sins? They will crumble you."

"Every of his moves have been a sheer expression of mastery. But we aren't fools either."

"There's one thing which we still don't know, Adonis. Why does Parmenion think killing them all would actually make the Shah abdicate the throne? I mean, as an attempt to weaken the mind, yes, but the Shah doesn't seem to budge from his position."

A shuffling noise was heard. The men got alert and lowered their voices.

"The Shah was on the verge of finalising his belief on the fact that he was cursed had not Shahrazad come," Adonis said.

Firdaus chuckled. "There's something about that man that interests everyone. I guess we all are infatuated about different sides of him."

"He is–"

Adonis paused. His hand immediately reached for the sword in his belt. Firdaus heard a faint feminine scream. He ran towards the direction of the sound. Adonis followed in tiptoes. His eyes widened when he saw whom Firdaus was dragging.

"Dunyazad? That sister of him?" Adonis gaped.

Dunyazad had got her foot cut on a sharp twig. Blood drizzled away with the trail of rain. She yanked away her arm from Firdaus' grip. Her eyes glowed with rage and she stomped her uninjured foot. "I am going to tell the Shah everything."

Firdaus lowered his tone to a menacing whisper that rivalled the intensity of the lightning. "That is not a wise solution to the problem, Dunyazad. The devil is smarter than we can comprehend."

"Damn the devil. I know the truth now. I know who was behind all these murders."

"Please keep your mouth shut, sister," Adonis hissed. "We are as concerned about the Shah and his consort as you are. And we are more capable than you in handling this mess."

"Exactly," Firdaus said. "So be quiet."

However, Dunyazad wasn't in her sane mind. She, being overly protective of her brother, thought it was her duty to inform him about the truth.

"Firdaus, I understand you all mean no harm, but–"

Firdaus put his hand over her mouth. He pulled out a spare piece of rag and gagged her. Then, taking her over his shoulder, he headed for the dungeons. Adonis followed him too, a little clueless about what was happening. But soon the young melophoroi understood the urgency of the situation. Creeping out of the shadows came a third intruder, and now with hasty steps that man stood in front of them.

"Where are you taking her?"

"To the dungeons."


"She heard too much!"

Parmenion eyed Firdaus with suspicion. Firdaus kept his eye contact stable and didn't let even a muscle on his face twitch.

Parmenion heaved a sigh. "Put her in the dungeon. And yes, that bloody Shahamsar-am now has got the hint of it all, as you all may understand. He may take a step any time."

"And we shouldn't underestimate our enemy," Adonis said, tasting the ironical depth of his own words.

"Yes." Parmenion rubbed his chin. "And I am thinking about what to do. Meet me tomorrow at dawn."

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