Chapter 1: Z

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It's been so long since they don't call me Zack that I feel that's not my name anymore. Since that day, nothing, absolutely nothing has been the same again. I feel that my parents aren't the same persons that they were when I was a kid, that they've been absorbed by the money and fame (and it's not even their money and fame), I feel that no one loves me for who I am, and I feel that I'm not happy anymore.

"Z, come to the living room! We've got something important to tell you!" Judging the deep voice that sounded all over the mansion, I guessed it was my father's voice.
"I'm coming!"

I grabbed my diary and locked it with its key, for later hide it in a shoe box, which I always hide in the bottom of the closet, concretely in the corner that probably nobody would notice.

I went down stairs, concretely 253. Yes, I know how many stairs has this house, but when you're all day locked up in your home because of crazy fans and paparazzis that are all over your place, you do anything to not get bored.

I arrived to the living room, there were mother and father sitting down on the sofa, waiting for me. The moment my father saw me, made a signal to all the bodyguards that were there and then, all of them left, and now the only people left in the biggest room of the mansion were the three Jacksons.

"Hello son, before starting to talk, I would like to congratulate you for your hard work in yesterday's fashion show, you were the star of the event and you shone more than ever" My father smiled and looked at my mother, that also smiled, but she was clearly thinking in other things. "Thank you father. But I would love to know why my free time was interrupted"
"Oh honey, don't talk to us in that formal way, we're your parents" Said my mother with a worrying tone.

An awkward silence showed up in the room for an instant, which my father interrupted.
"Anyway..." whispered to himself. "I hope you still remember everything you learned in German classes, because in two days we're flying to Germany"

"WHAT?" I couldn't help being angry, why didn't he consulte it with me? Or even told me earlier?
"Your dad's right my care, your next collaboration will be with the perfume brand Rosenthal, and you'll be its face for the next two years"
"But Mom! Fath-"
"Son I expect a minimum of respect. You shouldn't react that way, knowing that me and your mother helped you to be the top male model. Without us, you are nothing." he stopped for a moment just to create tension and then he looked at me right in the eyes. "Go to your room and start packing"

I went up stairs with watery eyes. That night, I cried nonstop, and wasn't because I didn't want to go to Germany, rather because in that moment I wished more than ever having a friend to complain to. Or simply having someone to hug, that was ok too.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

It was a sunny day, and also the day that we were going to Germany. The limousine was waiting outside, and my mother was kindly calling me to go down and start our business trip.

Before leaving my bedroom, I opened the closet and I took out the box that had my diary, which was hidden in the bottom of the closet, concretely in the corner that probably nobody would notice. I put my diary in my bag and I put the box inside the closet again, that would wait for my return patiently.

I went down the 253 stairs, and everybody was there, my parents and five bodyguards that would come with us to the trip.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

we arrived to Germany on our private plane, for later settling in a prestigious five star hotel with a fancy restaurant. To my surprise, the whole hotel was evicted just for me, and for some reason, that made me feel lonelier than I already felt. All the members of my family had a private room, mine was the imperial suit, so big, so fancy, and so alone...

And the day of the dinner with the Rosenthal came up.

That day, I wore my most luxurious suit, the most expensive Rosenthal perfume and I even put on makeup ( I hate makeup, I just put it on when I have photoshoots). Is obvious that none of these choices were mine.

Someone knocks the door. Is my father.

He enters the room without my permission and that makes me mad, but I don't say anything. "Hello, son" I can't stand that superiority tone.
"Hello father. What do you want? Do you need something?"

He looks at me from head to toes, then nods and dedicates me an approval expression. "I just need you to do me a favor" He smirks and I start having a gut feeling. "What do you want now."
"Oh, nothing son. I just want you to make Lisa Rosenthal, the daughter of boss of the perfume brand, Lukas Rosenthal, fall in love with you."

I can't do that. I can't play with someone's feelings that way.

"If we archive a good relationship with that family we would earn twice what the earn now, plus our social status would be even higher." He looks at me, and I know perfectly that look. "Do you know how important is this?"

I keep silence for a while, so he knows I'm mad at him. "Yeah, I guess so." I really didn't want to play with someone's heart.

"You don't have other option but to do what I say." he spilled that, and I started questioning myself if I he was actually right. 

And he was. He was fucking right, and I hate it. It's been a long time since I lost the liberty to have an opinion in this family.

"Now, get in the limousine, the Rosenthal are waiting for us." And he snapped the door, leaving me alone.

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