episode 12 - visiting hours are over

Start from the beginning

Erza knocks on [Name]’s forehead with her own, the two now nose-to-nose and breaths mingling. Fondly, she reaches for the back of [Name]’s neck, lifting the antidote with her other hand. “You’ll feel better once you finish it all.” 

Finally admitting defeat after ten minutes of cat-and-mouse, [Name] snatches the bottle from Erza’s grasp. She gulps down the gooey contents in one go, wiping her mouth as she glares at her comrade. “You are the worst nurse ever.”

Hoho! I am a great nurse! But I am an even better warrior before anything else.” Erza puffs her chest in pride and lifts her chin. 

Then, seconds later, she sends [Name] a tender side-smile. “A warrior that is proud to fight alongside you. That battle today—you were a force to be reckoned with.”

[Name] flushes, starting to feel dazed from her injuries, the brewed remedy, and the praises. Her eyes begin to droop, but she wills herself to stay awake, she has to stay conscious for this part—naturally. Passing out from the pain could wait until later.

Lisanna, who had arrived sometime earlier, adorably purses her lips as she raises her clenched fists in the air, rapidly nodding her head. “Mhm, mhm! You were amazing out there, [Name]! It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen!”

[Name] descends further into the mattress, eyelids growing heavier. She starts drawing long and deep breaths, exhaling softly through her lips. Her arms and legs feel like they’ve been tied to a ship anchor, sinking deeper into an ocean of promised slumber and dreams. 

She risks a glance at her wrists and sighs in relief when she notices the color in her veins returning to normal. Red, like everyone else. The aftertaste of the antidote scratches at the walls of her throat, but thank the Gods, she’s finally granted an escape from all the aching and the hurting. 

The next visitor happens to be Macao. And in true Fairy Tail fashion, he announces his presence in the most obnoxious way possible. He kicks the door open, laughing maniacally in the entryway as he waves around his three heavy bags of pure Jewels

“We’re rich, baby!” Macao parades across the room, hearts in his eyes. “Fairy Tail is back in action! 

Trailing after him is Wakaba, with a squealing Asuka on his shoulders, and Romeo following in suit. The room becomes rowdy at their arrival, and [Name] has half a mind to smother herself under the pillows to drown them out.

“Just think of all the booze we can buy tonight!” Wakaba exclaims wistfully. 

Asuka giggles, burying her tiny fists in his hair. “Yeah, booze!” 

“Bisca is going to shoot you,” [Name] pipes in, her words slurred. She clumsily reaches for Asuka, and in no time at all, the little girl scrambles onto the bed and burrows herself in [Name]’s warm embrace. 

“Hi,” [Name] whispers, throwing the blanket over the two of them. 

“Hi, big sis!” Asuka gleefully throws her chubby hands in the air, almost punching [Name] in the jaw. “Are you better now?” 

[Name] hugs Asuka close to her. “Yeah, so much better.” 

Romeo grins as he excitedly leans over the bed, eyes beaming in awe. “You. Were. So. Cool!” 

“Thanks, little man,” She replies in a hushed tone, weary from the healing process. 

Macao comes over to sling an arm around his son, bending his knees to meet [Name]’s gaze. The wrinkles around his eyes deepen as he smiles from ear-to-ear. “Romeo’s right, [Name]. You, Elfman, Mirajane, Natsu, and Gajeel brought pride to our guild today.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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